加热炉 | 汽化冷却 | 余热锅炉 | 自动化仪表 | 起重设备 | 供电与传动 | 建安工程 |
0.12 | 0.01 | 0.04 | 0.02 | 0.09 |
A.端坐位 B.仰卧位 C.俯卧位 D.中凹卧位 E.头低足高位 [单项选择]每年10次的大型钻石看货会是在()举行。
A. 南非 B. 伦敦 C. 纽约 D. 比利时 [填空题]
A Road Accident [判断题]两台及以上配电变压器低压侧共用一个接地引下线时,其中任一台配电变压器停电检修,其他配电变压器也应停电。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]雷达原理中,( )是指脉冲期间射频振荡的平均功率。
A.平均功率 B.无功功率 C.有功功率 D.峰值功率 [单选题]下列属于银行风险主观因素的是( )。
A.利率变化 B.政治体制变革 C.管理环节有疏漏 D.意外事故 [单选题]LKJ-2000型监控记录装置设定参数查询时在查询显示状态,将光标移到'设定参数'按压【确认】键或数字键( )。
A..4 B..5 C..6 [单选题]玩具等礼品在圣诞节期间需求量会大增。从而导致需求波动。这种需求波动因素属于( )。
A.周期因素 B.趋势因素 C.季节因素 D.促销因素 [单选题]齐步走时左脚向正前方迈出约()
A.A、80厘米 B.B、75厘米 C.C、70厘米 D.D、65厘米 [简答题]
I have noticed that children are not even being school in social graces. At a Sunday brunch, a clown was making balloon animals for the children. 61) My friend’s daughter, Sarah, stood by me waiting her turn. The children grabbed their balloons one by one and ran. 62) I was the only adult present who prompted "What do you say" when the clown handed Sarah her balloon. The clown beamed at us, grateful he had actually been acknowledged. I don’t blame the children, however. They emulate what they see. 63) And what they are seeing is a society focused solely on acquisition--be it another drink in a restaurant or a space on a crowded freeway--without ever stopping to thank the source. Rude language is now so common that it is accepted behavior. And I’m not talking about the obviously blue vocabulary in books and movies, or that damn is considered harmless compared to what else has become acceptable. I’m referring to inconsiderate word choice. For examp [判断题]国家安全机关因侦察间谍行为的需要,根据国家 有关规定,可以采取技术侦察措施。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]批次转账上传中日终扣款数据撤销 ,是针对处理标志为( )的批量业务的扣款数据撤销业务。
A.异步日间 B.异步日终 C.实时处理 D.日间处理 [判断题]转移阵地或调整作战力量时,应检查清点人员及装备,同时兼顾其他阵地安全,确保整个作战部署的协调统一。()
A.正确 B.错误 [简答题]变压器过流保护动作跳闸,应如何检查和处理?
[单选题]适合按年度归档的科技文件有( )
A.产品设计文件 B.设备文件 C.气象观测文件 D.科技管理性文件 我来回答: 提交