The sources of anti-Christian feeling
were many and complex. On the more intangible side, there was a general pique
against the unwanted intrusion of the Western countries; there was an
understandable tendency to seek an external scapegoat for internal disorders
only tangentially attributable to the West and perhaps most important, there was
a virile tradition of ethnocentrism, vented long before against Indian Buddhism,
which, since the seventeenth century, focused on Western Christianity.
Accordingly, even before the missionary movement really got under may in the
mid-nineteenth century, it was already at a disadvantage. After 1860, as
missionary activity in the hinterland expanded, it quickly became apparent that
in addition to the intangibles, numerous tangible grounds for Chinese hostility
abounded. In part, the very presence A. many problems in China came from internal disorders due to Western influence B. many problems in China came from China itself and were unrelated to the West C. scapegoats perform a necessary function and there should be more of them D. all of the above are true [多选题]下列关于“材料采购”账户的表述中,正确的有
A.计算材料采购成本的账户 B.借方登记材料的买价和采购费用 C.贷方登记入库材料的实际成本 D.期末如有余额在借方,表示在途材料的实际成本 [单选题]根据《公路水路行业安全生产风险管理暂行办法》,公路行业安全生产风险的等级为( )级。
A.2 B.3 C.4 D.5 [单选题]下列关于轨缝调整条件的叙述,不正确的是( )。
A.原设置的轨缝不符合每千米线路轨缝总误差的规定 B.轨缝严重不均匀 C.线路爬行量超过50mm D.轨温在《铁路线路修理规则》规定的更换钢轨或调整轨缝轨温限制范围以内时,出现连续3个及以上瞎缝或轨缝大于构造轨缝 [单项选择]财务分析的对象最主要的依据是资产负债表、利润表、( )。
A. 会计月报表 B. 损益表 C. 现金流量表 D. 财务状况表 [判断题]配电网供电安全标准的一般原则为:接入的负荷规模越大、停电损失越大,其供电可靠性要求越高、恢复供电时间要求越短。
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]危险化学品区的劳动防护用品可以单独存放。( )( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]KSLM系列水力锚主要用途是()。
A.压裂施工时减少压差 B.固定封隔器 C.进行压裂施工 D.固定井下管柱位置 [多项选择]控制图可用来判断生产过程是否正常,是否处于稳定状态,其判别标准归纳为______。
A. 控制图上的点子不超过控制界限 B. 控制图上的点子排列必须是直线 C. 控制图上的点子的排列没有缺陷 D. 控制图上的点子排列必须光滑 [多选题]监理单位应当将()及整改等相关资料纳入档案管理。
A.验收 B.专项巡视检查 C.专项施工方案审查 D.监理实施细则 [单选题]关于X连锁无丙种球蛋白血症的叙述,正确的是:( )
A.是最常见的原发性免疫缺陷病 B.缺陷基因位于Xp21.3~22 C.生后即反复发生呼吸道感染 D.骨髓涂片、淋巴结、直肠黏膜活检均找不到浆细胞 E.应注意避免使用丙种球蛋白和一般血制品 [名词解释]消痰
[单选题]常用来制作转机的机座端盖和一般铸件的铸铁是( )铸铁。
A.耐热 B.灰口 C.球墨 D.可锻 [单项选择]
One of the most important results of research into ageing has been to pinpoint the significance of short-term memory. This faculty is easily (1) as ageing advances. What seems to (2) is that in formation is received by the brain, (3) scans it for meaning in order to decode it at some future time. It looks as if the actual (4) of the short-term memory itself may not change too much (5) age. A young man and a man in his late fifties may (6) be able to remember and repeat a(n) (7) of eight numbers recited to them. But what (8) change is that when the older man is asked to re member anything (9) between the time he is first given the numbers to memorise and the time he is asked to (10) them, he will be much less likely to remember the (11) numbers than the young man. This is because the scanning stage is more easily (12) by other activities in (13) people. [单项选择]以下程序设计语言中,()更适合用来进行动态网页处理。
A. HTML B. LISP C. PHP D. Java/C++ [多项选择]鼠疫的传播途径包括()
A. 经鼠蚤传播 B. 经皮肤传播 C. 呼吸道飞沫传播 D. 消化道传播 E. 血液传播 [多选题]因卫生防疫措施不到位、管理制度不落实,造成的( )属于卫生防疫事故。
A.群体性疫情 B.食物中毒 C.水中毒等人身损害的事故 [多选题]以下对小车使用的描述正确的有( )
A.A.小车不按列车办理。 B.B.160km/h以上的区段禁止利用列车间隔使用小车。 C.C.小车在昼间使用时,可跟随列车后面推行,但在任何情况下,都不得影响列车正常运行。 D.D.小车在夜间使用时,仅限于封锁施工维修时使用。 [单项选择]氟牙症临床特点描述哪项是错误的
A. 多发生在恒牙,乳牙很少见 B. 牙釉质可出现白色斑纹,甚至整个牙为白垩样釉质 C. 有些牙出现黄褐色色染,也可出现牙实质性缺损 D. 牙釉质和牙本质变脆,耐磨性差 E. 对酸蚀的抵抗力弱 [单选题] 单选题 "《安全生产违法行为行政处罚办法(2015修正)》,生产经营单位提出复查申请或者整改、治理限期届满的,安全监管监察部门应当自申请或者限期届满之日起( )内进行复查,填写复查意见书,由被复查单位和安全监管监察部门复查人员签名后存档。逾期未整改、未治理或者整改、治理不合格的,安全监管监察部门应当依法给予行政处罚。
A.5日 B.10日 C.15日 D.30日" 我来回答: 提交