During the Olympic Games, people from all over the world come together in peace and friendship. The first Olympic Games that we have (21) of were in Greece in 776 B. C. The games lasted one day. The only (22) in the first thirteen Olympic Games was a race. Men ran the length of the stadium. In 1896 the games were (23) again in Athens, Greece. The Greeks (24) a new stadium for the competition. 311 (25) from thirteen countries (26) in many events. The (27) became national heroes. After 1896, the games were held every four years during the summer in different cities around the (28) . In 1908, in London, England, the first gold (29) were given to winning athletes. The Olympic Winter Games (30) in 1924 in Chamonix, France. Athletes competed in (31) events such as skiing, ice skating and ice hockey. Today the Winter Games take place (32) four years. Until
recently, Olympic
A. for
B. by
C. with
D. out of
"Culture shock" occurs as a result of
total immersion in new culture. It (51) to "people who have
been suddenly transplanted abroad. " Newcomers may be anxious (52)
they do not speak the language, know the (53) , or
understand people’s behavior in daily life. The visitor finds that "yes" may not
always mean "yes", that friendliness does not (54) mean
friendship or that statements that appear to be serious are really intended
(55) jokes. The foreigner may be unsure as to when to shake
hands or embrace, when to (56) conversations, or how to
approach a stranger. The (57) of "culture shock" helps
explain feelings of bewilderment and disorientation. Language problems do not
account for all the frustrations that people feel. When one is (58)
of everything that was once familiar, such as understandi A. like B. for C. by D. as [单选题]下列房屋及建筑物中,属于房产税征税范围的是( )。
A.农村的居住用房 B.建在室外的露天游泳池 C.个人拥有的市区经营性用房 D.房开企业尚未使用或出租而待售的商品房 [判断题]安全现状评价是针对系统、工程的安全现状进行的安全评价。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]烈度和震级的区别()
A. 烈度:地震时地面受到的影响或破坏程度; B. 烈度:根据地震仪测得的地震波形计算地震释放能量的多少; C. 烈度:用来评估自然灾害本身造成的社会损失的度量标准; D. 烈度:是来表示地震造成的社会损失的程度; [多选题]发生生产安全事故,对负有责任的生产经营单位除要求其依法承担相应的赔偿等责任外,应急管理部门有权进行以下()处罚。
A.发生一般事故的,处三十万元以上一百万元以下的罚款 B.发生较大事故的,处一百万元以上二百万元以下的罚款 C.发生重大事故的,处二百万元以上一千万元以下的罚款 D.发生特别重大事故的,处一千万元以上二千万元以下的罚款 [单选题]严重肝功能不全的患者不宜用
A.氢化可的松 B.甲泼尼龙 C.泼尼松龙 D.泼尼松 E.地塞米松 [判断题]( )铁路工务部门基本的职业道德规范是:热爱本职、勤奋敬业、遵章守纪、尽职尽责、精心 养路、提高质量。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]编制设计任务书是项目( )阶段的工作。
A.设计准备 B.决策 C.设计 D.施工 [单项选择]对抗抑郁药而言,服药期间不能食用含大量酪胺食物的药物为()
A. 丙咪嗪 B. 苯乙肼 C. 舍曲林 D. 氟西汀 E. 多赛平 [判断题]有限空间作业前,应确定作业人员是否具备有限空间安全作业知识及技能,作业人员身体状况是否良好。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]称重传感器供桥电源一般为()。
A. 交流电源; B. 脉冲电源; C. 直流电源。 [单项选择]信息系统是一个组织中从事信息处理的子系统,它的作用是()
A. 间接的 B. 直接的 C. 暂时的 D. 局部的 [判断题]EI32-JD型计算机联锁最终根据主用联锁机的控制命令控制自己的动态驱动电路产生输出。
A.正确 B.错误 [多选题]《中华人民共和国公务员法》规定,根据培养锻炼公务员 的需要,可以选派公务员到()挂职锻炼。
A.下级机关 B.上级机关 C.其他地区机关 D.国有企业事业单位 我来回答: 提交