Passage 3 Many different meanings have been given to the word poetry. It would weary my readers if I were to discuss which of these definitions ought to be selected; I prefer telling them at once that which I have chosen. In my opinion, Poetry is the search after, and the delineation of, the Ideal. The Poet is he who, by suppressing a part of what exists, by adding some imaginary touches to the picture, and by combining certain real circumstances that do not in fact happen together, completes and extends the work of nature. Thus the object of poetry is not to represent what is true, but to adorn it and to present to the mind some loftier image. Verse, regarded as the ideal beauty of language, may be eminently poetical; but verse does not of itself constitute poetry. I now proceed to inquire whether among the actions, the sentiments, and the opinio A. explain the meaning of poetry and the art of a poet. B. contrast poetry with a democratic and a aristocratic societies. C. explain how poetry, democracy, and aristocracy intermingle. D. contrast the inclination towards poetry in democratic and aristocratic societies. [单选题] 设备检修时切断电源处采取的措施是()。
A.专人监护 B. 加锁或专人监护并悬挂“有人作业不准送电”警示牌 C. 加锁 [单项选择]COPD患者呼吸道感染时,最常致病的革兰阴性杆菌为()
A. 肺炎克雷白杆菌 B. 流感嗜血杆菌 C. 大肠杆菌 D. 变形杆菌 E. 绿脓杆菌 [单项选择]某研究探讨一种干预措施对于改善糖尿病患者服药依从性的效果。研究者选择符合研究对象入选标准的糖尿病患者50名,首先测定他们在一个月内的服药依从性,然后对他们进行干预,干预完成1个月后再测量他们的服药依从性,并与干预前的依从情况进行比较。当自身变量的稳定性无法确定时,可以在干预前后进行多次观察与测量,这种设计方法是()
A. 自身实验前后对照设计 B. 不对等对照组设计 C. 时间连续性设计 D. 单纯实验后对照设计 E. 随机临床实验研究设计 [单选题]人体触电时,根据触电的体位不同,电流通过人体最危险途径是()。
A.左手至双脚 B.右手至双脚 C.右手至左手 [单选题]所有接触网设备,自第()次受电开始即认定为带电设备。
A.一 B.二 C.三 D.四 [判断题]( ) 进站信号机及线路所通过信号机灭灯或因发生不能关闭的故障时,应将灯光熄灭或遮住。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]施工合同示范文本通用条款规定,在施工过程中,因设计变更导致承包人的施工成本增加及工期延误,应当按照( )处理。
A. 增加的费用由承包人承担,延误的工期不予顺延 B. 增加的费用由承包人承担,延误的工期相应顺延 C. 增加的费用由发包人补偿,延误的工期相应顺延 D. 增加的费用由发包人补偿,延误的工期不予顺延 [判断题]毒害品的火灾危险性具有:遇湿易燃性、氧化性、易燃 性和易爆性。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]一家钢铁公司并购一家IT公司,可称之为 ()
A. 横向并购 B. 纵向并购 C. 外向并购 D. 混合并购 [单选题]人体所能感受到的最小疼痛为
A.疼痛耐受力 B.疼痛阈 C.没有疼痛 D.牵涉痛 E.钝痛 [单项选择]以下程序运行后的输出结果是 #include<stdio.h> int f(int n); main( ) { int a=3, s; s=f(a); s=s+f(a); printf("%d/n", s); } int f(int n) { static int a=1; n+=a++; return n; }
A. 7 B. 8 C. 9 D. 10 我来回答: 提交