"You’re off to the World Economic
Forum " asked the Oxford economist, enviously. "How very impressive. They’ve
never invited me." Three days later, I queued in the snow outside the conference center in Davos, standing behind mink coals and cashmere overcoats, watched over by Swiss policemen with machineguns. "Reporting press You can’t come in here. Side entrance, please." I stood in line again, this time behind Puffa jackets and Newsweek journalists, waiting to collect my orange badge. Once inside. I found that the seminar I wanted to go to was being held in a half-empty room. "You can’t sit here. All seats are reserved for white badges. Coloured badges have to stand." An acquaintance invited me to a dinner he was hosting: "There are people I’d like you to meet." The green-badged Forum employee stopped me at the door. "This is a participants’ A. (A) Participants must hold letters of invitation. B. (B) Participants should queue in the snow outside. C. (C) Swiss policemen have to carry machine-guns. D. (D) Forum employees could check anybody if they wish. [单选题]对由于设备原因,接地刀闸(装置)与检修设备之间连有断路器(开关),在接地刀闸(装置)和断路器(开关)合上后,在断路器(开关)操作把手上,应悬挂( )的标示牌。
A.“禁止合闸,有人工作!” B.“禁止分闸!” C.“禁止合闸,线路有人工作!” D.“止步,高压危险!” [单项选择]小儿时期的结核病,以哪型最多见( )。
A. 原发性肺结核 B. 结核隐性感染 C. 支气管淋巴结核 D. 粟粒型肺结核 E. 结核性脑膜炎 [单项选择]属于细胞周期非特异性抗癌药物的是().
A. 氮芥 B. 白花蛇舌草 C. 己烯雌酚 D. 长春新碱 E. 5-FU [判断题]电缆保护层的作用是保护电缆。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]口腔特殊器械不包括下列哪项?
A.牙科手机 B.超声波洁牙手术 C.细小器械 D.托盘 E.电脑 [单选题] 消防救援队伍作战训练安全工作实行责任制,()为具体落实人,履行领导管理、组织实施、监督管控职责
A.现场指挥员 B.班长 C.安全员 D.安全监督员 [名词解释]甲(男)和乙(女)自由恋爱,于1991年9月26日登记结婚,10月1日举行结婚仪式。结婚时乙带来结婚前自己购置的“光明”牌家具一套;“长虹”牌家庭影院一套,乙的父母送给乙被子;褥子若干;甲在结婚前已经购置了一单元房,登记的产权人是甲。婚后,甲投资经营一家电脑公司,并因公司发展向丙借钱若干,乙在医院上班;甲利用业余时间开发了一软件,乙在工作上也是非常出色,三次获得医院的年终奖共计一万元。1997年,甲在国外的舅舅赠与甲古董一件,特别指明该古董仅赠与甲,同年甲继承其父亲的遗产房产一宗。1998年,乙遇交通事故受伤致残,肇事方赔偿乙残疾补偿费3.2万。乙残疾后,甲与乙的感情姐姐不合,两人自1999年2月11分居。甲于2001年9月20日诉于法院要求离婚。问:案中所涉及财产哪些属于个人财产,哪些属于共同财产?
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