Reading involves looking at graphic
symbols and formulating mentally the sounds and ideas they represent. Concepts
of reading have changed{{U}} (67) {{/U}}over the centuries. During the
1950s and 1960s especially, increased attention has been devoted to{{U}}
(68) {{/U}}and describing the reading process. {{U}} (69)
{{/U}}specialists agree that reading {{U}} (70) {{/U}} a complex
organization of higher mental {{U}} (71) {{/U}}, they disagree
{{U}} (72) {{/U}}the exact nature of the process. Some experts, who
regard language primarily as a code using symbols to represent sounds,
{{U}} (73) {{/U}}reading as simply the decoding of symbols to the sounds
they stand {{U}} (74) {{/U}}. These authorities {{U}} (75) {{/U}} that meaning, being concerned with thinking, must be taught independently of the decoding process. Others maintain tha A. purposes B. stages C. degrees D. steps [简答题]匝道变速车道的形式有哪些?应如何选用?
[多选题] 为保证人身和行车安全,根据( )等规程、规范及作业标准的规定,结合西安铁路局调车工作实际,特制订《西安铁路局调车工作细则》。
A. 《调标》 B. 《防伤》 C. 《技规》 D. 《行规》 [单选题]按教师对游戏的干预程度分,可以把游戏分为自由游戏和( )。
A.有规则的游戏 B.集体游戏 C.教学游戏 D.活动性游戏 [多选题]政法单位是党领导下从事政法工作的专门力量,主要包括()等单位。
A.审判机关 B.检察机关 C.公安机关、国家安全机关 D.司法行政机关 [单选题]公式W=C+V+m中的V是指( )。
A.生产资料转移的价值 B.生产设备的消耗价值 C.劳动力价值 D.积累 [单选题]列车在区间内卸炉灰、河沙、山皮土以及重型轨道车卸枕木时,可以不超过()km/h的速度边走边卸。
A.3 B.5 C.10 D.15 [单选题]老年人躯体健康的评估不包括下述哪一项
A. 健康史的采集 B. 身体评估 C. 功能状态的评估 D. 社会功能评估 E. 辅助检查 [单项选择]休息对患者的意义不包括()
A. 缩短病程 B. 恢复体重 C. 恢复精力 D. 消除疲劳 E. 促进康复 [填空题]绝热层的钩丁或销钉的个数为:侧面不少于()个/平米底部不少于()个/平米。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题] 铁路10 kV自动闭塞电力线路一个供电臂长为( )。
A.40~60 km B.50~70 km C.60~80 km D.70~90 km [单选题]受行政侵权行为侵害的公民死亡,()有权要求赔偿。
A.其继承人和其他有扶养关系的亲属 B.其所在村(居)民委员会 C.当地民政部门 D.其近亲属 [单选题]AM-96转向架手制动机控制( )单元制动缸。
A.2、3位 B.4、5位 C.5、6位 D.7、8位 [多选题]万用表在通信系统中主要用于检测电子.电气元件或电路的()等数值。
A.电流 B.电压 C.电阻 D.金属 [填空题]Careerists are people whose self-image is determined almost exclusively by their jobs.{{U}} (36) {{/U}}everything they do is designed to{{U}} (37) {{/U}}their careers. They are defined by their jobs. When you meet a careerist at a party, he immediately tells you his{{U}} (38) {{/U}}Take away a careerist’s job and he does not know who he is. He loses his {{U}} (39) {{/U}}. His life is seriously out-of-balance. This{{U}} (40) {{/U}}disease is called careerism.
Workaholics may or may not be careerists. Workaholics also spend most of their time and{{U}} (41) {{/U}}on their jobs. But there may be different reasons for their work{{U}} (42) {{/U}}. They may not even{{U}} (43) {{/U}}with their jobs. Work may simply be an escape, an effort to avoid dealing with life. On the other hand,{{U}} (44) {{/U}}.
Careerists may not even like their jobs In fact, they may not even work that hard. They may spend most of their time on organizational politics and other schemes for
[多选题]危险化学品道路运输企业、水路运输企业的驾驶人员、( )、集装箱装箱现场检查员应当经交通运输主管部门考核合格,取得从业资格具体办法由国务院交通运输主管部门制定
A.船员 B.装卸管理人员 C.押运人员 D.申报人员 [单项选择]软件详细设计主要采用的方法是( )。
A. 模块设计 B. 结构化设计 C. PDL语言 D. 结构化程序设计 [单项选择]需要蒸至口尝无麻味的药物是()
A. 何首乌 B. 山茱萸 C. 人参 D. 黄芩 E. 黄精 [单选题]E-B-C-A-008 3 2 1
液力耦合器的泵轮与涡轮的转速( )。 A.相同 B.不同 C.相似 D.以上都不对 [单项选择]We live in a materialistic society and are trained from our earliest years to be acquisitive. Our possessions, "mine" and "yours", are clearly (62) from early childhood. When we grow older enough to earn a living, (63) does not surprise us to discover that success is measured (64) the money we earn. We spend the whole of our lives keeping (65) our neighbors, the Joneses. If we buy a new television set, Jones is (66) to buy a bigger and better one.
It is not only in affluent societies (67) people are obsessed with the idea of making more money. Consumer goods are (68) everywhere and modem industry deliberately sets out to create new markets. (69) are the days (70) industrial goods are made to (71) forever. The wheels of industry must be kept turning. "Built-in obsolescence" provides the means: goods are made to be (72) Cars get tinnier and tinnier. You no sooner acquire this year’s mod [多选题]对公网上银行代发包括()A
A.代发工资B B.同业代发C C.专属代发D D.其他代发 我来回答: 提交