In the past, the Park Service focused
on making the big scenic parks more{{U}} (21) {{/U}}and comfortable for
tourists. Roads were paved to allow "windshield visitors" to experience the
grandeur of nature without leaving their cars, and a{{U}} (22)
{{/U}}number of hotels and grocery stores were permitted to open{{U}}
(23) {{/U}}the park boundaries. Now this trend is changing. Plans have been made to{{U}} (24) {{/U}}the parks to their natural condition as much as possible. The objective of such a move would be to secure the preservation of the parks for future generations,{{U}} (25) {{/U}}allowing present-day visitors to experience pure wilderness,{{U}} (26) {{/U}}from any obvious signs of civilization -- an opportunity which is quickly disappearing in the twentieth century.{{U}} (27) {{/U}}plans call only{{U}} (28) {{/U}}a r A. Detailed B. Initial C. Overall D. Long-term [判断题]托运人凭运单托运人存查联开具增值税发票。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]用户提出需求并提供经费,委托软件公司开发软件。但在双方商定的协议中未涉及软件著作权的归属,则软件著作权属于()所有。
A. 软件用户 B. 软件公司 C. 用户与软件公司共同 D. 社会公众 [单选题]所投资企业除了股票首次公开发行并上市外,还可以通过参与( )或借壳上市等方式间接上市,间接上市成功的,股权投资基金持有的被投资企业股份(股权)也可以转变成为相关上市公司的股份,通过公开市场转让实现退出
A.上市公司重大资产重组 B.协议转让 C.直接退出 D.清算退出 [判断题]境外居民是指在境外银行办理业务的非中国居民。 ( )
A.正确 B.错误 [填空题]The Next Disaster: Are We Ready
Are We Really Prepared After the attacks on September 11 and the hurricanes that slammed the Gulf Coast last year, you’d expect our major cities to be ready with disaster plans that will save lives and property. There’s no doubt we’ll be hit again—maybe even harder—because the list of possible calamities (灾难) is long: from a bird flu pandemic to a massive California earthquake, to more monster storms, to another terrorist attack. But are we really prepared to protect people, as well as their homes and businesses Every major urban area has received federal funding, much of it from the Department of Homeland Security (DHS), in order to make their cities more secure. But there are no set criteria for measuring preparedness (the feds are working on that), and the quality of disaster plans varies widely throughout the country. So we decided to do an independent assessment of 10 high-risk urban areas, focusing on key se [单选题]路试车辆必须由具有( )及技术熟练的试车员进行,并在规定路段上进行。
A.从业资格证 B.机动车驾驶证 C.汽车维修上岗证 D.技术等级证 [判断题]若抽汽管道的阀门没有全开,会造成加热器出口端差减小。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]药物膜转运中需要载体而不需要机体提供能量的是()
A. 被动扩散 B. 主动转运 C. 促进扩散 D. 胞饮作用 E. 膜孔转运 [单选题]主轴瓦下瓦为( )。(1.0分)
A.受力瓦 B.非受力瓦 C.定位作用 D.支撑瓦 [多选题]依据大庆油田钻井井控实施细则,钻井作业中,“三高”油气井包含哪些井?
A.高含硫油气井 B.高压油气井 C.高产油气井 D.高压水井 [判断题]甲将头痛粉冒充海洛因欺骗乙,让乙出卖“海洛因”,然后二人均分所得款项。乙出
卖后获款 4000 元,但在分赃时被公安机关查获。甲、乙构成贩卖毒品罪的共犯。 A.正确 B.错误 [多选题]发展社会主义民主政治就是要( ),用制度体系保证人民当家作主。
A.体现人民意志 B.保障人民权益 C.激发人民创造活力 D.做到每个人都有发言权 [判断题]对到达列车须及时核对现车,发现现车与确报不符,及时向车站调度员或调车领导人报告。
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]使用有毒物品单位应当为从事使用有毒物品作业的劳动者提供符合国家职业卫生标准的防护用品,或者价值相当的货币。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]调车工作繁忙、配线较多的车站,可划分为几个调车区,没有做好联系和防护,不
准放行( )。 A.越区车 B.越区车或堵门车 C.越区车或关门车 D.越区车或转场车 [多选题]国网公司《2017年输变电设备金属专项技术监督工作方案》中规定,“三跨”线路耐张线夹X射线检测结果异常的有( )。
A.防滑槽压接不到位 B.导线穿管长度不足 C.压接管弯曲变形过大 D.裂纹、偏芯等 [单选题]电流互感器的回路编号.一般以十位数字为一组.()的回路标号可以用411-419
A.1T B.4TA C.11TA [单选题]下列行为中,张某不应当承担民事责任的是()。
A.身为某市人民警察的张某,在逮捕犯人时毁坏了李某饭店内的桌椅和餐具等 B.刘某在使用从张某的超市中买到的电热毯时,发生火灾,引起背部烧伤,经检验,张某销售的电热毯有严重的质量问题 C.朱某路过张某家时,被他家的狗严重咬伤 D.张某经营的化工厂致使附近居民出现头晕、恶心等症状 我来回答: 提交