It is one of the world’s most
recognized phrased, one you might even hear in places where little English is
spoken: "The name’s Bond, James Bond". I’ve heard it from a taxi driver in Ghana
and a street sweeper in Paris, and I remember the thrill of hearing Sean Connery
say it in the first Bond film I saw, Gold Finger. I was a Chicago
schoolgirl when it was released in 1904. The image of a candy-coloured London
filled with witty people stately old buildings and a gorgeous, ice-cool hero
instilled in me a deep-rooted belief that Britain was OK. When Fan Fleming created the man with the license to kill, based on his own experiences while working for the British secret service in World War II, he couldn’t have imagined that his fictional Englishman would not only shake, but stir the entire world. Even world-weary actors are thrilled A. When Fan Fleming created James Bond, he believed that his fictional Englishman would shake the entire world. B. In the Bond films, England is always portrayed as stylish, elegant and classy. C. Fan Fleming began to write his spy stories before World War II. D. James Bond seldom epitomized Britshness. [简答题]绰号为“蝙蝠侠”的NBA球星,现效力于热火队的球员是谁?
A.隔声间 B.隔声罩 C.吸声处理 D.消声器 [填空题]1 CG故障处理完成后,需要填写详细的( )备案
A. 上午8:00至次日8:00 B. 上午9:00至次日9:00 C. 上午10:00至当日20:00 [单选题]依据《工作票实施规范(发电、变电部分)》(Q/CSG 1205005—2016),工作票手写内容应使用( )字迹的钢笔、圆珠笔或中性笔填写,不得任意涂改。
A.黑色 B.蓝色 C.红色 D.任意颜色 [单选题]管理没有一成不变的模式,在不同的环境中,管理者处理同样的问题必须采取不同的方法进行协调权衡,才能收到满意的效果。这体现了管理的皮书
A.实践性 B.综合性 C.社会性 D.艺术性 [判断题]相对产气速率指每运行月(或折算到月)某种气体含量增加值相对于原有值的百分数:( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]在正常生产时,干燥器Y-7010转数应大于( )rpm。( )
A.300 B.310 C.315 D.320 我来回答: 提交