Music comes in many forms; most
countries have a style of their own. {{U}} (56) {{/U}} the mm of the
century when jazz was born, America had no prominent {{U}} (57) {{/U}} of
its own. No one knows exactly when jazz was {{U}} (58) {{/U}} , or by
whom. But it began to be {{U}} (59) {{/U}} in the early 1900s. Jazz is
America’s contribution to {{U}} (60) {{/U}} music.In contrast to
classical music, which {{U}} (61) {{/U}} formal European traditions, jazz
is spontaneous and free in form. It bubbles with energy, {{U}} (62)
{{/U}} the moods, interests, and emotions of the people. In the 1920s jazz
{{U}} (63) {{/U}} like America, and {{U}} (64) {{/U}} it does to
day. The {{U}} (65) {{/U}} of this music are as interesting as the music
{{U}} (66) {{/U}}. American negroes, or blacks, as they are called today,
were the jazz {{U}} (67) {{/U}}. The A. classical B. sacred C. popular D. light [单选题] 关于行政许可的申请, 下列哪一说法是正确的?
A.公民、 法人或者其他组织从事特定活动, 均应当向行政机关提出申请 B.行政机关以成本价向申请人提供申请书格式文本 C.申请书格式文本中不得包含与申请行政许可事项没有直接关系的内容 D.申请人应当亲自到行政机关办公场所提出行政许可申请 [填空题]执行倒闸操作命令应()操作倒闸对象。
[多选题]下列关于高处作业,正确的做法有( )。
A.高处作业施工时上下交叉作业现场应有专人指挥进行 B.高处作业人员不得沿立杆或栏杆攀登 C.高处作业人员应定期进行体检 D.高处作业场所临边应设置安全防护栏杆 E.高处作业场所的孔、洞应设置防护设施及警示标志 [单项选择]客户下达的交易指令数量和买卖方向明确,没有有效期限的,应当视为()。
A. 无效指令 B. 合约到期日前都有效 C. 当日有效 D. 当天上午或下午有效 [单选题]认定不宜公开的内部办公事项禁止网上发布。
A.对 B.错 [判断题]电动捣固机捣固,每个轨枕头捣固四面,每面捣固长度:木枕不少于450㎜,混凝土轨枕不少于400㎜。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]全身中毒性毒剂染毒区抢救应采取的措施正确是( )
A.对进入染毒区的抢救人员,为争取时间,可不服用抗氰预防药物 B.为防毒剂扩散,对呼吸微弱或停止者不应行人工呼吸 C.为争取时间,不论有无惊厥和呼吸困难,均应早期后送 D.为提高抢救成功率,需待惊厥和呼吸困难等症状缓解后再后送 [简答题]为什么重复保险要遵循分摊原则?
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