Generations of Americans have been
brought {{U}} (26) {{/U}}to believe that a good breakfast is important
for health. Eating breakfast at the {{U}} (27) {{/U}} of the day,
we have all been {{U}} (28) {{/U}}, is as necessary as putting gasoline
in the family car {{U}} (29) {{/U}} starting a trip. But for many people the thought of food first in the morning is by {{U}} (30) {{/U}} pleasures. So {{U}} (31) {{/U}} all the efforts, they still take no {{U}} (32) {{/U}} Between 1978 arid 1983, the latest years for which figures are {{U}} (33) {{/U}} , the number of people who didn’t have breakfast increased {{U}} (34) {{/U}} 33 percent--from 8.8 million to 11.7 million {{U}} (35) {{/U}} the Chinese-based Market Research Corporation of America. For those who feel pain of {{U}} (36) {{/U}} about not having breakfast, {{U}} (37) {{ A. after B. before C. when D. as [多项选择]印花税的纳税办法有()。
A. 自行贴花 B. 汇贴 C. 汇缴 D. 委托代征 E. 自行申报 [单项选择]-- Let' s go swimming in the river.
--______. [单选题]动火作业中使用的机具、气瓶等应合格、完整。
A.正确 B.错误 C. D. E.略 F.略 [多选题]甲专门制造假证件,受乙委托,伪造了5本机动车行驶证,乙将5本机动车行驶证分别卖给了不同的买家,案发后,甲、乙二人到案。对甲、乙二人行为定性准确的是( )。
A.对甲的行为以伪造国家机关证件罪定罪处罚 B.对乙的行为以买卖国家机关证件罪定罪处罚 C.对甲的行为以买卖国家机关证件罪的共犯定罪处罚 D.对乙的行为以掩饰、隐瞒犯罪所得罪定罪处罚 [单项选择]门诊综合楼设计的关键在于以下哪一项:()
A. 合理的功能分区、良好的流线组织、优美的空间环境 B. 合理的功能分区、良好的流线组织、方便的导医询问 C. 合理的功能分区、平面化的就医环境、方便的导医询问 D. 良好的流线组织、平面化的就医环境、优美的空间环境 [判断题]架悬式驱动装置具有足够的径向扭转刚度,保证驱动装置牵引时的粘滑振动稳定性。( )
A.正确 B.错误 我来回答: 提交