Public speaking fills most people with
dread. Humiliation is the greatest fear; self-exposure and failing to appeal to
the audience come a close second. Women hate it most, since girls are
pressurized from an early age to be concerned with appearances of all
kinds. Most people have plenty of insecurities, {{B}}and this{{/B}} seems like a situation that will bring them out. If you were under pressure to be perfect, you are terrified of failing in the most public of ways. While extroverts will feel less fear before the ordeal, it does not mean they will necessarily do it better. Some very shy people manage to shine. When I met the British comedian Julian Clary, he was shy and cautious, yet his TV performances are perfect. In fact, personality is not the best predictor of who does it well. Reg A. Acting like performers spoils the message in a speech. B. Perfection of scripts is necessary in making good impressions. C. Acting naturally means less dependence on the prepared script. D. There should be a balance between actual acting and acting naturally. [填空题]《陕西省农村合作金融机构实行社务公开的指导意见(试行)》规定,社务公开的主体是各县级联社(含农合行、农商行),社务公开的主要载体和形式是召开社员(股东)代表大会、召开()大会。
A.进程管理、存储器管理、设备管理、处理机管理 B.虚拟存储管理、处理机管理、进程调度、文件系统 C.处理机管理、存储器管理、设备管理、文件系统 D.进程管理、中断管理、设备管理、文件系统 [多选题]关于严格联系电话号码与身份证件号码的对应关系,下列说法正确的是:
A.银行和支付机构应当建立联系电话号码与个人身份证件号码的一一对应关系 B.对于成年人代理未成年人或者老年人开户预留本人联系电话等合理情形的,由相关当事人出具说明后可以保持不变 C.对于单位批量开户,预留财务人员联系电话等情形的,应当变更为账户所有人本人的联系电话 D.对于无法证明合理性的,应当对相关银行账户暂停非柜面业务,支付账户暂停所有业务 [多选题]第一种工作票应在工作前一日预先送达运维人员,可()。但传真传送的工作票许可应待正式工作票到达后履行。
A.直接送达 B.通过传真传送 C.通过电话传达 D.通过局域网传送 E.略 F.略 [单选题]通过道口的道路平面线形应为( )。
A.曲线 B.直线 C.竖曲线 D.不大于40° [多选题] CRM对企业的主要作用表现在____。
A.降低客户成本 B.减少销售成本 C.提高客户满意 D.创造客户价值 [多选题]有土建、扩建、技改等工程作业的变电站,在大(台)风来临前运维人员应加强对正在施工场地的检查,重点检查( )等情况
A.材料堆放 B.脚手架稳固 C.护网加固 D.临时孔洞封堵 E.缝隙封堵 我来回答: 提交