与十进制数873相等的二进制数是 (39) ,八进制数是 (40) ,十六进制数是 (41) ,BCD码是 (42) 。
The World Cup This summer’s World Cup competition will see teams competing to play the world’s best foot- ball. But the football they play will not all be of the same kind. The fans expect different styles of play from Brazil, Germany, or Italy. What makes Brazilian football Brazilian Our style of playing football contrasts with the Europeans because of a combination of qualities of surprise, accuracy and good judgment. This style has won Brazil five world cups. Yet many Brazilian fans only count four of these victories. In 1994, the team abandoned this style for modern, scientific training and tactics. The team won the cup, but in a boring way. The Italians think differently. "To many Italians, the score 0-0 has a glorious quality, suggesting perfection," says the British A. Accuracy. B. Surprise. C. Good judgment. D. Ruthless efficiency. [单选题]不适合使用压力蒸汽灭菌的物品是( )
A.油剂 B.搪瓷物品 C.玻璃器皿 D.金属制品 E.纤维织物 [单项选择]整个商业循环时间的再设计被称为()
A. 业务流程再造 B. 设立标杆 C. 最佳实践 D. 商业流程改进 [判断题]风险分级管控工作的目的是降低风险,杜绝或减少各种事故隐患,预防生产安全事故的发生。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]封闭式组合电器引出电缆备用孔或母线的终端备用孔应用( )封闭。
A.绝缘挡板 B.防火泥 C.专用器具 D.遮栏。 [单选题]船舶从顺浪转向顶浪比较危险,须先慢车减速,等待时机,以求后半段掉转在较平静的水面进行,后半段应()。
A.慢车减速 B.慢车满舵 C.加车满舵 [多项选择]Lennox-Gastaut综合征(LGS)主要的发作形式包括()
A. 强直发作 B. 非典型失神发作 C. 复杂部分性发作 D. 肌阵挛发作 E. 痴笑发作 [单选题]雨雪天气室外设备宜采用间接验电;若直接验电,应使用( ),并戴绝缘手套。
A.声光验电器 B.高压声光验电器 C.雨雪型验电器 D.高压验电棒 [单项选择]
货币从产生时起,就具有()和()两种基本职能。 A. ②③ B. ③④ C. ①② D. ①④ [判断题]除国有建设单位外,其他单位和个人不得侵占、毁损、拆除或者擅自移动地震监测设施。
A.正确 B.错误 我来回答: 提交