In the United States, there is some
disagreement (to say the least) over the risks and benefits .of nuclear power.
There can be no question that with our electrical power needs increasing
rapidly, we cannot rely indefinitely on the earth’s remaining fossil fuel
supply. The question is, can we safely shift our reliance to nuclear fission
power plants—considering the present state of our knowledge and technology The
American public has, in the past few years, developed a rather strong consensus
regarding this question. Nuclear power has fallen into disfavor. The risks seem
too great, the reward too small—at least for the immediate future. It is not likely that an explosion of the type produced by atomic bombs can occur in the kinds of nuclear reactors being used today. However, we still don’t know how c A. We have already generated over 10,000 tons of nuclear waste. B. Radioactivity could be released into the environmental from activities related to mining and processing nuclear fuel. C. Only a part of nuclear fuel is fissionable. D. A location for stainless steel tanks containing "high-level liquid waste" mixed with molten glass has not been found. [单选题] 对操作频繁的电气设备使用的绝缘油,应( )个月进行1次耐压试验。
A.12 B.6 C.3 [多选题]从业人员有权对本单位安全生产工作存在的问题提出()。
A.批评 B.检举 C.控告 D.违章指挥 [单选题]心脏的下缘由什么构成
A.左心房 B.左心室 C.右心房 D.右心室及部分心尖 E.以上都不对 [单项选择]理查德.D.伊尔文企业集中经营经济商业教科书市场,其目标市场模式选择为:()
A. 有选择的专门化 B. 产品专门化 C. 市场专门化 D. 密集单一市场 [单选题]严禁井下配电变压器中性点()接地。
A.经电容 B.直接 C.间接 [判断题]气簿-1上云量栏记了10-,高云或中云码一定要报×,否则要计算错情。()
[多选题]在核定征收模式下,人社部门负责以下哪些等业务?( )
A.参保登记 B.费款核定 C.权益享受 D.退费办理 [单项选择]下列除哪项外,均为慢性宫颈炎的病理改变()
A. 宫颈裂伤 B. 宫颈糜烂 C. 宫颈息肉 D. 宫颈内膜炎 E. 宫颈腺体囊肿 [单项选择]男性,28岁,半年前左侧头部外伤,当时神清,左颞部头皮裂伤,经清创缝合术并用抗生素治疗,但术后伤口化脓,虽取出粉碎骨片,感染伤口一直流脓不愈至今,近1周嗜睡。感头痛不适,呕吐。该患者脑脓肿系由头皮伤口感染化脓后发生颅骨骨髓炎并播散至颅内所致,目前对于脑脓肿的正确处理措施是()。
A. 继续应用大剂量广谱抗生素 B. 脱水利尿降低颅内压 C. 颅骨骨髓炎病灶清除术 D. 病灶切除及脑脓肿切除术 E. 颅骨钻孔行脑脓肿穿刺抽脓术 [单选题]化学事故侦检的方法不包括( )
A.试纸法 B.检测管法 C.仪器检测法 D.化学实验法 我来回答: 提交