On Mar. 14, when Wal-Mart Stores Inc. announced its first foray into Japan, the Bentonville (Ark.) retailing giant placed a big bet that it could succeed where countless other foreign companies have failed. In the past five years, a number of famous Western brands have been forced to close up shop after failing to Catch on in Japan, one of the world’s largest—but most variable—consumer markets.
May Wal-Mart make a go of it where others have stumbled One good sign is that the mass marketer is not rushing in blindly. It has taken an initial 6.1% stake in ailing food-and-clothing chain Seiyu Ltd., which it can raise to a controlling 33.4% by yearend and to 66.7% by 2007. That gives Wal-Mart time to revise its strategy—or run for the exits.
The question is whether Wal-Mart can apply the lessons it has learned in other parts of Asia to Japan. This, after all, is a nation of notoriously finicky consumers—who have become even more so
A. hard to satisfy.
B. prone to deceptions.
C. resistant to aliens.
D. open to new ideas.
Although there may be thousands of
different kinds of jobs, as I see it there are basically only two kinds of work.
One is the sort that in the main is done for its own sake. It has little to do
with bosses, or clerks or wages and it usually proves rewarding in itself. The
other sort is normally done in return for a weekly wages in factories, on
building sites or down in mines. A research scientist may find his income quite a lot for doing what he would do anyway even if he were rich. Others grumble. But could you find such a person who has never grumbled all his life The worst things of all is having a job where there are no consolations whatever. A factory worker says, "For eight hours a day, five days a week. I’m the exception to the rule. That life can’t exist in a vacuum. Work to me is a great loss, and I begrude (吝啬) A. feels the factory girl should earn more than him B. envies that factory girl C. feels work in a factory is not worth doing at all D. is satisfied with his wage [判断题]隔离开关处于分闸状态时,巡视检查可不检查闭锁机构。
A.正确 B.错误 [多选题]濒死病人的临床表现是
A.胃肠动增快而腹胀 B.意识不清或有谵妄 C.潮式呼吸或间断呼吸 D.肌肉张力下降,大小便失禁 E.血压下降,脉搏细弱 [单选题] 通常,零件图上至少有( )尺寸基准。
A.两个 B.三个 C.四个 D.六个 [单项选择]下列各项关于税务咨询的表述中,错误的是( )。
A. 税务咨询机构分为税务机关和民间两种形式 B. 税务咨询的委托主体具有广泛性和咨询要求层次性的特点 C. 执行所有签署协议的税务咨询项目必须制定税务咨询工作计划 D. 口头咨询是税务咨询最为常用的一种咨询方法,是一种综合性的税务咨询服务形式 [单选题]位于肝板之间的是
A.中央静脉 B.肝血窦 C.门管区 D.窦周隙 E.胆小管 [判断题] 在押人员出所就医,交接班时,应当检查在押人员人身及随身物品,检查加戴戒具及钥匙保管情况。
A.正确 B.错误 [多选题]131、不服各级人民法院一审判决、裁定的,刑事诉讼的当事人有权提出上诉。依照刑事诉讼法的规定,享有上诉权的主体包括( )
A.被告人及其法定代理人 B.自诉人及其法定代理人 C.被告人的辩护人,需征得被告人同意 D.被告人的近亲属,无需征得被告人同意 [单项选择]( )包括提前偿付风险和偿付风险两种形式。
A. 市场风险 B. 信用风险 C. 流动性风险 D. 操作风险 [不定项选择题]患者,女性,38岁。因月经量增多半年,乏力、面色苍白、活动后心慌气短1个月来诊。查体:T36.4℃,P100次/分,皮肤、粘膜苍白,巩膜无黄染,心肺(-),肝脾肋下未触及。
A.口腔溃疡 B.皮肤紫斑 C.牛肉样舌 D.毛发干枯 E.黄疸 F.反甲 我来回答: 提交