A--parcel carrier;B--annual revenue
C--package distribution company;D--the commitment to quality
E--weight of the shipment;F--pick-up and delivery
G--urgent delivery;H--full electronic tracking
I--export documentation;J--scheduled delivery
K--automatic confirmation of delivery;L--global network
M--door-to-door delivery;N--zone number of the destination
O--approximate value of the shipment;P--additional charge
Q--express plus package
Three out of four British Bangladeshi
children live below the poverty line. That was the biggest jolt in a series of
sad reports on April 30th from the Joseph Rowntree Foundation. Their focus was
the link between ethnicity and poverty, which they found to be pretty robust.
Some 40% of those from ethnic minorities live in poverty, it said, if poverty is
defined as receiving 60% or less of the median income. This is double the
proportion of whites. Even Indians and Chinese were much likelier than whites to
be poor, despite trouncing them at school. The struggle to escape poverty begins with a big decision: whether to seek paid employment or work for oneself. Historically there has been a strong ethnic divide. South Asian and Chinese immigrants have been quick to set up businesses, whereas black Africans and Caribbeans have work A. poor qualifications. B. immigrant background. C. ownership of a house. D. academic excellence. [判断题]患职业病的情形,不属于工伤。
A.正确 B.错误 [多选题]用来表示统计数据分布及其某些特性的特征量分为两类,一类表示表示数据的离散程度,例如()
A.算术平均值 B.中位数 C.极差 D.标准离差 E.变异系数 [单选题]员工在规定上班时间开始后( )分钟内到岗者为迟到。
A.10 B.20 C.30 D.40 [单选题]200-250km/h无砟轨道高速铁路,当设备发生故障,需在双线区间的一条线上处理设备故障时,设备管理单位应按规定申请对邻线设置限速( )。
A.160km/h及以下 B.160km/h及以上 C. 200km/h及以下 D.250km/h及以下 [简答题]财政会计在管理财政性存款中应当遵循哪些原则?
[单项选择]幼儿家长参与托幼机构管理的主要形式是( )。
A. 家长学校 B. 宣传栏 C. 家长委员会 D. 家园联系簿 [简答题]道岔编号的规则?
[判断题]安全生产管理作为经济生活的一部分,是管理范畴的一个分支,也遵循管理的一般规律及原理。请回答下列问题: 激励原理是指用科学的手段激发人的内在潜力,充分发挥人的积极性和创造性。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题] 在纯电感电路中交流电流与交流电压之间的相位关系为( )。
A.i超前u π/2 B.i滞后u π/2 C.u与 i 同相 D.u与i 反相 [判断题]马蜂窝成灾往往时间集中、地段连片,为提高效率、减少资源浪费,对室外马蜂窝宜集中时段、分区分片、计划摘除,同时要注意对单个求助事项做好记录、安排和沟通解释。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]No one word demonstrated the shift in corporations’ attention in the mid-1990s from processes to people more vividly than the single word "talent". (62) the word lies the idea that more and more corporate (63) .is going to be created by knowledge and by so-called "knowledge workers". (64) labour is worth less; knowledge is worth more.
This has significantly shifted the balance of power in the (65) process. Companies used to be (66) about finding enough qualified people to run their operations. What they could not fmd they would train, was the (67) attitude. That might take some time, but in a world where people sought jobs for life time was in the company’s (68) But talent is not patient, and it is not faithful. Many companies found themselves training employees (69) for them to go on and sell their acquired skills to their (70) So now they look for talent that is ready-made. In their eagerness t [单选题]违反《公路法》第五十四条规定,在公路用地范围内设置公路标志以外的其他标志的,由交通主管部 门责令限期拆除,可以处( )以下的罚款;逾期不拆除的,由交通主管部门拆除,有关费用由设置者负担。
A.10000 元 B.20000 元 C.30000 元 D.50000 元 [简答题]简述科技成果产业化的条件。
[单选题]保证银行稳健经营.安全运行的核心指标是( )。
A.核心资本 B.资本充足率 C.附属资本 D.风险加权资产 [判断题]对抗震要求较高的建筑通常用现浇混凝土楼盖。
A.正确 B.错误 [多选题] 党员干部特别是领导干部要加强政治能力训练和政治实践历练,切实提高把握方向、把握大势、把握全局的能力和( )的能力
A. 辨别政治是非 B. 保持政治定力 C. 驾驭政治局面 D. 防范政治风险 [单项选择]在进行职业病诊断时,应当组织取得职业病诊断资格的执业医师最少为( )。
A. 2人 B. 3人 C. 4人 D. 5人 [单选题]单选题配电站、开闭所户内高压配电设备的裸露导电部分对地高度小于( )时,该裸露部分底部和两侧应装设护网。"
A. 2.8m B. 2.5m C. 2.6m D. 2.7m " [单选题]民用建筑消防应急照明灯工作时间应不小于()分钟。
A.30 B.50 C.60 D.90 [单项选择]痞满的基本病机是()
A. 食滞肠胃,痞塞不通 B. 中焦气机不利,脾胃升降失职 C. 外邪内陷,阻塞气机 D. 湿盛脾虚,气机阻滞 E. 肝气郁滞,横逆犯脾 [单选题]可导致脉率减慢的是 ( )
A..颅内压增高 B..贫血 C..冠心病心绞痛 D..急性左心衰 E.. 心源性休克 [单选题]作业服务企业承接的作业服务项目不得( )。
A.委托 B.分包 C.转包 D.转让 [单选题]中性点经消弧线圈接地的电力网,在正常运行情况下,中性点电压位移不应超过额定相电压的( )。
A.0.50% B.1.00% C.1.50% D.2.00% [填空题]原则上高速铁路路基不能存在直接影响行车安全的隐患地点,一经发现应立即采取有效的监控措施,必要时( ),并迅速安排进行整治。《高速铁路工务知识读本》10.5.1A、限速运行B、慢行C、封锁D、拦停列车
[判断题] 胜利油田标准 RTU 与多功能电表通讯,波特率需设置为9.6Kb/s。
A.正确 B.错误 我来回答: 提交