DOM is a platform and language- (51) API that allows programs and scripts to dynamically access and update the content, structure and style of WWW documents (currently, definitions for HTML and XML documents are part of the specification). The document can be further processed and the results of that processing can be incorporated back into the presented (52) . DOM is a (53) -based API to documents, which requires the whole document to be represented in (54) while processing it. A simpler alternative to DOM is the event-based SAX, which can be used to process very large (55) documents that do not fit info the memory available for processing.
Nelson Mandela was still in jail when
the first street was named {{U}} (67) {{/U}} him. By the time he retired
as President of South Africa, hundreds of streets, squares and schools
{{U}} (68) {{/U}} his name, as did many more pop songs, books and movies.
{{U}} (69) {{/U}}, Mandela is an inspiring figure of the world. But
what about {{U}} (70) {{/U}} books that bear Mandela’s name {{U}} (71)
{{/U}} charities that use his name to {{U}} (72) {{/U}} their
profile As his legend has grown ever larger, Mandela has been faced with all of
these situations. Increasingly, however, Mandela’s handlers are fighti A. controlling B. granting C. protecting D. banning [单选题]无线电台(站)经批准使用后,应当按照核定的项目进行工作,()与工作无关的信号。
A.不得发送和接收 B.可以发送,但不可以接收 C.不可以发送,但可以接收 D.可以发射和接收 [填空题]
A. 一般适用于大型工业与基础设施工程建设项目 B. EPC总承包方只负责采购材料和工程设备及工程施工 C. 一般采用固定单价合同 D. 项目业主承担大部分风险 [单项选择]钢材拉伸试验时,试件应拉至()。
A. 断裂 B. 变形 C. 测力盘指针回转 D. 据强度等级加荷即可 [多选题]灭火救援行动中,因( )必须及时撤退(易)
A.浓烟 B.光线不足或内攻建筑结构复杂 C.迷失方向 D.存在建筑构件坍塌或爆炸危险 E.高温 [多选题]坚持规范化干工作、精细化抓落实、经常化促养成,防止和纠正( )现象。
A.管理松懈 B.作风松散 C.纪律松弛 D.人员松散 [多选题]CTCS3级可实现车地间信息的双向通讯,面向。
A.提速干线 B.高速新线 C.普速干线 D.超速干线 [多选题]作业人员上道前,应确认“三必须、二要有” 制度已落实到位,否则,不得上道作业。其中“二要有”是指( )。
A.施工(维修)作业要有计划 B.应急处置要有指导 C.上道要有安全措施 D.各类作业要有规定的负责人 [判断题]1.(判断题)
服务促销的对象只有顾客。( ) A.正确 B.错误 [简答题]怎样确定开裂荷载实测值?
[多项选择]如果业主委托监理单位对建设工程实施全过程监理,项目监理机构可按( )设立直线制监理组织形式。
A. 子项目分解 B. 专业内容分解 C. 监理工作内容分解 D. 建设阶段分解 E. 施工阶段分解 [单选题]年度内个人累计出现( )次及以上“三违”行为的,调离原岗位进行安全再教育,直至考核合格后方可重新上岗。
A.1 B.2 C.3 [单项选择]柴油机冒蓝烟原因()。
A. 机温过高 B. 机温过低 C. 烧机油 D. 供油量过大 我来回答: 提交