Eating better and more adventurously is becoming an
obsession, especially among people with money to spend. Healthier eating — and
not-so-healthy eating — as well as the number and variety of food choices and
venues continue to increase at an ever-quickening pace. Globalization is the master trend that will drive the world of food in the years ahead. Consumers traveling the globe, both virtually and in reality, will be able to sweep up ingredients, packaged foods, recipes, and cooking techniques from every corner of the earth at an ever-intensifying and accelerating pace. Formerly remote ingredients and cooking styles are creating a whole new culinary mosaic as they are transplanted and reinterpreted all over the world. Many factors are behind this, but none more so than the influence of the great international hotel ch A. adventurous B. more and more popular in the world C. a global phenomenon D. sweeping up every corner of the earth [多选题]"为了促进客户合理安排和使用账户资源,我行通过协议与客户约定,对同时符合以下条件的个人结算账户,将按季转为小额不动户,符合小额不动户的条件有哪些():
A.个人结算账户凭证状态为“正常” B.至系统处理日三年(含)以上未发生主动交易 C.个人结算账户凭证为借记卡,账户余额为10元(含)以下,且不为零 D.不是个贷还款账户 E.冻结金额、控制余额为零的账户。" [单选题]麓山公司委托证券公司发行股票1000万股,每股面值l元,每股发行价格8元,向证券公司支付佣金150万元,发行股票冻结期间的利息收入为100万元。该公司应贷记“资本公积——股本溢价”科目的金额为( )万元。
A.6750 B.6850 C.6950 D.7000 [多选题]徐某是甲股份有限公司的一名股东,根据公司法律制度的规定,徐某可以享有的权利有( )。
A.查阅、复制公司章程 B.查阅股东大会会议记录 C.查阅监事会会议记录 D.查阅财务会计报告 E.享有资产收益 [简答题]我们常说的“格林尼治国际标准时间”中的格林尼治在哪个国家?
A. 过热和火警状况 B. 过热和故障状况 C. 过热、火警和故障状况 D. 火警和故障状况 [多项选择]货币资金包括()等。
A. 现金 B. 银行存款 C. 转账支票 D. 其他货币资金 [判断题]铁路篷布搬运过程中严禁在地面拖拉。
A.正确 B.错误 [多选题]施工现场应按照以下()等要求实施焊接作业。
A.焊接操作人员须持证上岗 B.焊接作业时应由专人看火 C.焊接作业前应开具动火证 D.在潮湿的地沟或狭窄容器内施焊时,其电源电压应为 36V E.施焊完毕后,施焊及看火人员应在确认无引火点后,方可离去 [多项选择]财政投融资具有的特征是( )。
A. 目的性很强 B. 政策性很强 C. 计划性很强 D. 范围没有严格限制 E. 以市场参数作为配置资金的重要依据 [单项选择]Governing bodies of the American colonies raised questions about land distribution and use soon after winning independence. A 1785 law provided for surveying the west, with the intention of opening up land for family farms. Areas between the Ohio and Mississippi rivers, for example, were allowed to become states on equal terms with the original thirteen as soon as their populations reached a certain level. The lands were to be sold at $ 2. 50 per hectare.
Most of the settlers who braved the many dangers of western expansion did not have money to pay for land. Often they settled as occupiers of land without any clear title to their farms. After becoming established, these settlers campaigned to get the law changed so that some of the land was declared free, while other lands could be bought at a minimal price and paid for over a period of years. Successive laws culminated in the Homestead Act of 1862, giving free land to prospective settlers provided they agreed to farm the land or
A. early land policy was favorable for the expansion of the new nation B. rich families moved west and bought land C. there were no financial problems in building railroads in the middle of the 19th century D. colleges in the original thirteen states could own land [判断题]有其他可燃气体的混入往往使瓦斯的爆炸下限降低。( )
A.正确 B.错误 我来回答: 提交