二、根据图表回答题。 |
The first moving-picture theater was
probably the work of Harry Davis, Pittsburgh’s most prosperous showman. In 1904,
he rented a storefront, filled the room with chairs, gaily decorated the
exterior, and advertised the{{U}} (67) {{/U}}of a "nickelodeon". It was
a(n){{U}} (68) {{/U}}success. Although Davis was the first one to use the name nickelodeon,{{U}} (69) {{/U}}experiments were taking place in other parts of the country.{{U}} (70) {{/U}}the country, vaudeville (杂耍) managers, traveling exhibitors, and show businessmen{{U}} (71) {{/U}}their jobs to set up their own nickel picture{{U}} (72) {{/U}}. There was a great deal of money{{U}} (73) {{/U}}in the business, but nickelodeon owners had to work hard to{{U}} (74) {{/U}}their product. They could not afford to advertise{{U}} (75) {{/U}}in the papers, but they could and{{U} A. beginning B. opening C. operation D. promotion [单选题]1,4, 27, ( ),512,169。
A.25 B.49 C.125 D.216 [单选题]教师在指导课外活动时,要尽量避免的行为( )。
A.启发 B.建议 C.讲授 D.遇视 [单项选择]有如下程序: #include<iostream> using namespace std; class Demo { public: Demo( ){ cout<<"default constructor/n";} Demo(const Demo & x){ cout<<"copy constructor/n":} }; Demo userCode(Demo b){DemoC(b);return c;} int main( ) { Demo a,d; cout<<"calling userCode( )/n"; d=userCode(a); return 0; } 执行上面程序的过程中,构造函数Demo( )和Demo(const Demo &x)被调用的次数分别是
A. 1和1 B. 1和2 C. 2和3 D. 2和4 [多选题]按《建规》要求,()不应直接安装在可燃装修材料或可燃构件上。
A. 超过60W的白炽灯 B. 卤钨灯 C. 高压钠灯 D. 金属卤灯光源 E. 电感镇流器 [单项选择]Excel的工作薄是()
A. 书 B. 记录方式 C. 工作表 D. 文档文件 [单选题]交直流滤波器电抗器连接螺栓及绝缘子法兰应使用()材料
A. A.非导磁 B.B.导磁 C.C.绝缘 D.D.非绝缘 我来回答: 提交