It would be of great benefit to you remembering names. (36) no one’s ability to remember names is excellent. Yet this important skill (37) you the advantage in business and personal (38) "A person’s own name is the sweetest and most important (39) . "Dale Carnegie (40) in How to Win Friends and Influence People. It is often the (41) to a friendship, a closed business or a new partner- ship.
Peter Duper, the (42) of a Boston restaurant, also makes it a (43) to remember names. When one of his old customers (44) him to a friend named Connie recently, he made (45) to thank her by (46) as she left the restaurant. "From the pleasantly (47) look on her face, I could (48) not only that she would soon be (49) , but also that she would (50) in new customers," the owner said. "Remembering one person’s name in (51) can get
A. skill
B. sound
C. sign
D. sight
We first think of the traditional or
nuclear family. This is a two-generation family, the father and the mother and
their own children. Most couples wanted to have four children, two boys, two
girls. Some nuclear families, however, may add one or more grandparents to come to live with them, that is three generations. This kind of family with grandparents, parents, and grandchildren is called an extended family. This family type was not very common during the later half of the twentieth century, but it’s becoming more common now as an elderly grandparent moves in A. The children’s aunt. B. The children’s nursery or school. C. The children’s grandmother. D. The children’s neighbour . [单选题]小件修范围的铁路货车故障处理后,由 ( )进行质量抽查。
A. 作业场主任 B. 值班员 C. 工长 D. 运用车间主任 [判断题]KG9701A低浓度甲烷传感器的置零是在数码管左第一位显示为“2”时进行的。
[单项选择]生活垃圾焚烧飞灰经处理后满足( )条件,可以进入生活垃圾填埋厂填埋处置。
A. 含水率小于40% B. 二噁英含量低于3μgTEQ/kg C. 含水率大于40% D. 二噁英含量高于3μgTEQ/kg [判断题]驾校的管理制度是保证驾驶培训质量,提高驾驶员素质的最关键环节。
[单选题]《铁路旅客运输服务质量规范》中规定,发现行为、神情异常旅客时,重点关注,配备乘警的列车通知( )到场处理;
A.乘警 B.列车长 C.列车值班员 D.车辆乘务员 [单选题]变电运维管理规定中,运维人员应掌握所管辖变电站电气设备的( )管辖范围,倒闸操作应按值班调控人员或运维负责人的指令执行。
A.各个专业 B.各级调度 C.所有设备 D.各类设备 [简答题]常言道“忍一时风平浪静”下一句是?
A.2-4-5-3-1 B.4-2-3-5-1 C.3-5-1-4-2 D.1-3-5-4-2 [单选题]关于清除进入人体尚未被吸收的毒物,不正确的是
A.吞服强腐蚀性毒物者不宜洗胃 B.插胃管时应避免误入气管 C.洗胃液以热水为宜 D.洗胃液每次注入量不宜超过250ml E.应反复灌洗.直至回收液澄清为止 [判断题]飓风是指在大西洋上生成的热带气旋。 ( )
[单项选择]下列工具中为需求分析常用工具的是( )。
A. PAD B. PFD C. N-S D. DFD [判断题]必须执行等级监护制度,不准低职代高职。
A.正确 B.错误 [简答题]停电(转检修)的操作顺序是什么?为什么?应注意什么?
[单选题]检查消火栓箱产品,应当查验什么资料( ) ( )
A.3C证书 B.技术鉴定证书 C.型式检验报告 D.型式检验报告和出厂检验报告 [多项选择]以下说法正确的是()
A. 学生申请转专业时,学校根据社会对人才需求情况的发展变化,经学生同意,必要时可以适当调整学生所学专业 B. 学生必须在被录取的学校完成学业 C. 学生入学未满一学期的不得转学 D. 学生不得跨省转学 [判断题]冷起动时喷油器线圈电阻小,喷油量也小。 ( )
A.正确 B.错误 [简答题]盖板贴胶正负极需要贴胶。()
[多选题]地铁DC1500V断路器合闸保持一般可分为( )。
A. 电保持型 B. 机械保持型 C. 磁保持型 D. 压力保持型 我来回答: 提交