M: I can’ t wait until this week is over, all those final exams are driving me crazy.
W: Well, why don’ t you take a break and do something that will take your mind off your test
M: Like what
W: I don’ t know. How about tennis
M: That’ s not a bad idea, but my tennis racket are still in the shop.
W: Well, then how about a game of table tennis You did promise me to play again before vacation.
M: I know, but it’ s embarrassing to lose all the time, especially to a beginner.
W: Oh, come on, I’ ye beaten you once, and it was just begin-ner’s luck.
M: Fine, I’ll accept. Where do you want to play now, at Harf or Cannis
W: I like Haft.
M: Ok, Let’s go.
{{B}}Captain Goodman{{/B}} Do your children enjoy interesting stories, funny games, and exciting dances Captain Goodman will be ready to teach all these things to children of all ages at the City Theatre on Saturday afternoon at 4:00. {{B}}Walking Tour of the Town{{/B}} Forget your worries on Sunday morning. Take a beautiful walk and learn about local history. Meet at the front entrance of City Hall at 8:00. Wear comfortable shoes! {{B}}Films at the Museum{{/B}} Two Australian films will be shown Sunday afternoon at the Museum Theatre. See Broken Window at 2:00. The Workers will be at 4:30. For further information, call 4879978. {{B}}International Picnic{{/B}}(野餐) Are you tired of eating the same food every day Come to Central Park on Saturday a [多项选择]依据《中央企业安全生产禁令》第九条,严禁()生产安全事故。
A. 迟报 B. 漏报 C. 谎报 D. 瞒报 [单项选择]Text
The government is to ban payments to witnesses by newspapers seeking to buy up people involved in prominent cases (26) the trial of Rosemary West. In a significant (27) of legal controls over the press. Lord Irvine, the Lord Chancellor, will introduce a (28) bill that will propose making payments to witnesses (29) and will strictly control the a mount of (30) that can be given to a case (31) a trial begins. In a letter to Gerald Kaufman, chairman of the House of Commons media select committee, Lord Irvine said he (32) with a committee report this year which said that self regulation did not (33) sufficient control. (34) of the letter came two days after Lord Irvine caused a (35) of media protest when he said the (36) of privacy controls contained in European legislation would be left to judges (37) to Parliament. The Lord Chancellor said introduction o A. translation B. interpretation C. exhibition D. demonstration [单选题] 关于禁止令,下列说法正确的是( )。 (1分)
A. 丁被判处管制,同时被禁止接触同案犯,禁止令的期限应从管制执行完毕之日起计算 B. 乙犯合同诈骗罪被判处缓刑,因附带民事赔偿义务尚未履行,法院可在禁止令中禁止其进入高档饭店消费 C. 甲因盗掘古墓葬罪被判刑7年,在执行5年后被假释,法院裁定假释时,可对甲宣告禁止令 D. 丙因在公共厕所猥亵儿童被判处缓刑,法院可同时宣告禁止其进入公共厕所 [多项选择]()分析法中,效益与费用是分别计算的。
A. 资金 B. 效益 C. 费用 D. 质量 E. 收益 [单选题](618033)测量装置的误差通常用准确度、稳定度和( )等技术指标来描述。(1.0分)
A.精确度 B.灵敏度 C.不确定度 D.非正确度 [单项选择]报表系统中,可以用( )来唯一标识一个表页。
A. 单元 B. 函数 C. 区域 D. 关键字 [单选题]【A1型题】下列各方中,用后当"食煮饼,勿以盐豉"的是
A. 百合地黄汤 B. 百合洗方 C. 赤豆当归散 D. 百合滑石散 [填空题]How would the funds, if granted, be used
[简答题]As evidence that the Earth’s atmosphere is warming continues to accumulate, scientists are making slow progress toward an answer to the big question raised by the evidence: How much of the warming is due to human activity and how much to natural causes
A. 斯滕豪斯 B. 杜威 C. 赫尔巴特 D. 陶行知 [单选题]集团公司和()是合规管理第一责任人,对合规管理负总责;分管领导对分管业务领域合规管理承担相应管理责任。
A.公司员工 B.所属企业主要领导 C.公司领导 D.各级领导 [判断题]火灾扑灭后,发生火灾的单位和相关人员应当按照公安机关消防机构的要求保护现场,接受事故调查,如实提供与火灾有关的情况。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]在进行组织结构调查时,需要掌握的资料不包括()。
A.业务流程图 B.组织战略图 C.岗位说明书 D.组织体系图 [单项选择]俗称鸽子树的是()。
A. 银杏 B. 梅 C. 珙桐 D. 喜树 [单选题] 夜班非运营期间值班站长至少对重点部位巡视2次,遇极端天气时应每( )对车站进行全面巡视。
A.30分钟 B.1小时 C.2小时 D.1、5小时 [单项选择]导致膀胱肿瘤的危险因素是()
A. 吸烟 B. 膀胱慢性感染 C. 长期接触联苯胺 D. 上述都是 E. 上述都不是 [填空题]802.3以太网最小传送的帧长度为__()_______个8位bit。
[单选题]轨向偏差是用( )测量的最大矢度值。
A.1m尺 B.5m弦 C.10m弦 D.20m弦 [单项选择]一种把多块独立的物理硬盘按不同的方式组合起来形成一个逻辑硬盘,提供比单个硬盘更高的存储性能和数据备份的技术叫()
A. RAID B. 双机热备 C. 服务器集群 D. 云计算 我来回答: 提交