M: How can I go to the zoo
W: I’m not sure. Maybe you can ask the boy over there.
Crashed Cars to Text Message for
Help There is no good place to have a car crash -- but some places are worse than others. In a foreign country, for instance, {{U}} (51) {{/U}} to explain via cellphone that you are upside down in a ditch (沟渠) when you cannot speak the local language can fatally (~) delay the arrival of the emergency services. But an answer may be at hand. Researchers funded by the European Commission are beginning tests of a system called E-merge that {{U}} (62) {{/U}} senses when a ear has crashed and sends a text message, telling emergency services in the local language that the accident has taken place. The system was {{U}} (53) {{/U}} by ERTICO, a transport research organization based in Brussels. Belgium. Cars are fitted with a ee A. read B. reading C. reads D. being read [单项选择]阴痒的定义正确的是
A. 妇女外阴及肛门瘙痒,甚则痒痛难忍,坐卧不宁,或伴带下增多 B. 妇女肛门及阴道瘙痒,甚则痒痛难忍,坐卧不宁,或伴带下增多 C. 妇女外阴及阴道瘙痒,甚则痒痛难忍,坐卧不宁,或伴带下增多 D. 妇女外阴及阴道瘙痒,甚则痒痛难忍,坐卧不宁,或伴月经增多 E. 妇女外阴及阴道瘙痒,甚则痒痛难忍,坐卧不宁,或伴带下臭秽 [单项选择]调制解调器(Modern)的作用是( )。
A. 将数字脉冲信号转换成模拟信号 B. 将模拟信号转换成数字脉冲信号 C. 将数字脉冲信号与模拟信号互相转换 D. 为了上网与打电话两不误 [单选题]宋词分为婉约词和豪放词,()是著名的豪放派词人。
A.李清照 B.柳永 C.辛弃疾 D.诸葛亮 [多选题]行脓肿切开引流时,需注意的事项有()
A.切开前应穿刺抽脓,确定诊断 B.在波动最明显处切开 C.切口应处脓肿低位 D.选择适当引流物 E.脓性指头炎在末端指节掌面纵形切口 [判断题]轨距尺由计量室负责检定,周期为3个月。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]通过运用逻辑思维进行严密的理论推导或运用数学运算的方法进行论证,从而得出一定的结论,它侧重于抽象的理论分析与论证。这类论文属于()。
A. 理论应用研究型论文 B. 理论研究型论文 C. 实验研究型论文 [多选题]左冠状动脉供血范围是( )
A.左心房 B.左心室的前、侧、后壁 C.室间隔前2/3 D.右心室前壁的一部分 E.心尖 我来回答: 提交