Part Ⅲ Cloze Directions: There are 20 blanks in the following passages. For each blank there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. You should choose the one that best fits into the passages. Then, mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet. Passage 1 Everyone wants to be healthy and happy. (61) , illness or accidents may occur without any warning. Frequently the person who is iii can be cared for at home if there is someone (62) of looking after him under the doctor’s direction. Sometimes arrangements can be made for a visiting nurse to give the necessary (63) once a day or oftener, if necessary. The responsible one in the home carries on with the rest of the care during the (64) between the nurses’ visits. The rapid diagnosis and immediate treatment on the spot of an accident or sudden illness, (65) awaiting the arrival of doctors, is called the first aid and quite distinct from the home nursing.
A. consumed
B. retained
C. assumed
D. obtained
At around age of five, every child has
to make the {{U}} (67) {{/U}} from home to school. Children at this age have an enormous amount to {{U}} (68) {{/U}} Their response to rules, regulations and manners-all {{U}} (69) {{/U}} related to boundaries — is {{U}} (70) {{/U}} great importance. How they react to "no" will have a major {{U}} (71) {{/U}} on their capacity to settle, to make friends and to learn at school. After they start school, children are {{U}} (72) {{/U}} with rules. There is both a need and a reluctance to {{U}} (73) {{/U}} them. Children will ask constantly "Am I allowed to… ", often to the {{U}} (74) {{/U}} of their parents, who feel that they ought to know {{U}} (75) {{/U}} that, for instance, they do not need to ask to go to the toilet at home. It is {{U}} (76) {{/U}} they ask because they need to feel that A. count B. handle C. master D. maintain [填空题]“入芝兰之室,久而不闻其香”描述的是()
A. に B. を C. から D. と [简答题]【问题2】
. (数据库连接代码)
Dim sql, kind, keyword
kind=request ("kind")
keyword=request ( "keyword" )
sql = "SELECT * FROM 商品明细where" & kind &" (4) ’%"&keyword&"%’"
set rs=server. (5) ("adodb.recordset")
(6) .open sql,conn, 3,2
. (输出表头)
Do While Not rs.EOF
Response.Write "<TR><TD>" & rs("类别") & "</TD>"
Response.Write "<TD>" & rs("品牌") & "</TD>"
Response.Write "<TD>" & rs("型号") & "</TD>"
Response.Write "<TD>" & rs("价格") & "</TD></tr>"
rs. (7)
rs .Close
set rs = Nothing
(4)~(7) 备选答案:
A. = B. like C. movenext D. getrecordset
E. rs F. sql G. top H. createobject
A. 黄疸迅速加深 B. 出血倾向明显 C. 肝肿大 D. 出现烦躁、谵妄等神经系统症状 E. 急性肾功能不全 [单项选择]详表是整个分类法的()
A. 正文 B. 主体 C. 骨架 D. 部类 [多项选择]重庆市道路运输驾驶员有下列情形之一的(),应当参加继续教育培训或者考试。
A. 取得从业资格证每满3年的 B. 新的道路运输法律、法规、规章施行的 C. 发生重大交通责任事故 D. 市交通行政主管部门规定的其他情形 [单项选择]将香港岛割给英国的丧权辱国条约是()
A. 《南京条约》 B. 《北京条约》 C. 《马关条约》 D. 《辛丑条约》 [简答题]在温度自动调节系统投入前应做哪些试验?
A. Dim pi As Integer B. Dim pi(7)As Integer C. Dim pi As Single D. Dim pi As Long [多项选择]甲企业2006年的境内应纳税所得额为( )万元。
A. 400 B. 486.6 C. 490.6 D. 531 [多选题]地方政府融资平台公司是指由地方政府及其部门或机构、所属事业单位等通过( )等设立,具有政府公益性项目投融资功能,并拥有独立企业法人资格的经济实体。
A.财政拨款 B.委任高管人员 C.注入土地 D.注入股权 [判断题]用压线钳的剪线刀口将线头剪齐,再将线头放入剥线刀口,让线头角及挡板,稍微紧握压线钳慢慢旋转,然后将线剪断.( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]对癫痫小发作疗效最好的药物是()
A. 乙琥胺 B. 卡马西平 C. 丙戊酸钠 D. 地西泮 E. 扑米酮 [简答题]简述常见毒物中毒。
A. 可复性疝 B. Littre疝 C. Ricllter疝 D. 绞窄性疝 E. 滑疝 [单项选择]根据《城市房地产开发经营管理条例》,房地产开发企业预售商品房的条件之一是持有()。
A. 建设工程开工报告和竣工验收报告 B. 建设工程规划许可证和施工许可证 C. 住宅质量保证书和建设工程开工报告 D. 物业管理委托书和建设工程保修书 [单项选择]女患者,35岁,平素性情急躁,月经先后不定,停经50天后,阴道出血,开始量少,一周后量多,有大血块,色紫黑,小腹疼痛,B超检查子宫附件未见异常,舌质紫黯,苔薄白,脉涩。治疗最佳方剂()
A. 保阴煎 B. 清热固经汤 C. 固本止崩汤 D. 四物汤合失笑散 E. 左归丸 [单项选择]患者,男性,23岁,长跑运动员,主诉跟腱起点近端4am处的足跟疼痛15年,起跑时疼痛加重。检查发现跟腱梭形增粗伴有压痛,前足呈下垂位。在下列检查中可能并存的体征是哪一项()
A. 跟腱缺损 B. 跟腱挛缩 C. 小腿不等长 D. 跟骨外翻 E. 跟腱钙化 [单选题]站线发车进路和调车进路的人工延时解锁时间为( )。
A..3min B..13s C..30s D..3s 我来回答: 提交