The idea that government should
regulate intellectual property through copyrights and patents is relatively
recent in human history, and the precise details of what intellectual property
is protected for how long vary across nations and occasionally change. There are
two standard sociological justifications for patents or copyrights: They reward
creators for their labor, and they encourage greater creativity. Both of these
are empirical claims that can be tested scientifically and could be false in
some realms. Consider music. Star performers existed before the 20th century, such as Franz Liszt and Niccolo Paganini, but mass media produced a celebrity system promoting a few stars whose music was not necessarily the best or most diverse. Copyright provides protection for distribution companies and for a A. misunderstanding, B. small potatoes. C. well-known people, D. unclearness. [多选题]银团贷款合同应当包括以下()主要条款。
A.与贷款有关的约定 B.银团各成员承诺的贷款额度及贷款划拨的时间 C.提款先决条件 D.财务约束条款 E.违约事件及处理 [单选题]我司选装的A321-231机型有几个燃油油箱泵
A.4 B.2 C.6 [判断题] 一般缺陷处理时限不超过一个例行试验检修周期。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]面具面容见于()
A. 肢端肥大症 B. 震颤麻痹 C. 甲亢 D. 破伤风 E. 长期应用糖皮质激素 [判断题]施工负责人在分派生产任务时,应对相关管理人员、施工作业人员进行书面安全技术交底( )
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]《消防法》规定,县级以上地方人民政府应当按照国家规定建立消防救援站、专职消防队,并按照国家标准配备消防装备,承担火灾扑救工作。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]无线列调固定设备电源应具有( )自动转换功能。
A.交流 B.直流 C.交、直流 D.以上都不是 [判断题]党的基层组织包括乡镇党委、党的基层支部和党组。( )
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