2006年年初的经济运行很快把人们的视野引到了对过热的关注上。1-2月,城镇固定资产投资同比增长26.6%,比上年同期加快2.1个百分点,到2月末,新增贷款7165亿元,同比多增3397亿元,两个月即完成全年计划的28.7%,外贸顺差在去年同期高位的基础上达到120亿美元。到一季度,问题仍在发展,城镇固定资产投资增幅达29.8%,同比加快4.5个百分点,新增贷款达到12568亿元,完成全年计划的50.3%,外贸顺差达到233亿美元。 初步核算,上半年国内生产总值91443亿元,同比增长10.9%,比上年同期加快0.9个百分点,是1995年以来同期增长速度最快的。其中,第一产业增加值8288亿元,同比增长5.1%,比上年同期加快0.1个百分点;第二产业增加值46800亿元,增长13.2%,加快2.2个百分点;第三产业增加值36355亿元,增长9.4%,减慢0.5个百分点。 |
Recent legal research indicated that incorrect identification is a major factor in many miscarriages of justices. It also suggests that identification of people by witnesses in courtroom is not as 21 as commonly believed. Recent studies do not support the degree of judges, jurors, lawyers and the police have in eyewitness evidence.
The Law Commission recently published an educational paper, "Total Recall The Reliability of Witness 22 ", as a companion guide to a proposed code of evidence. The paper finds that commonly held perceptions about how our minds work and how well we remember are often wrong. But while human memory is 23 change, it should not be underestimated.
In court witnesses are asked to give evidence about events, and judges and juries assess its Fallibility. The paper points out that memory is complex, and reliability of any person’s recall must be assessed 24 .
Both common sense and research say m
A. other
B. rather
C. more
D. less
Certainly, the most popular method of
traveling used by Americans is the privately-owned automobile. The vast majority
of Americans have a car, and many families have two. (31)
during your visit to the United States, you may decide to rent a car
to travel outside the city or to travel to other parts of the country. Car rental companies are (32) in the telephone book and are located in most cities and towns. (33) , there are usually rental cars at airports and train and bus stations. As is true everywhere in the world, you can rent a car (34) the day, week, or month. Some companies (35) have special weekend rates that you may find especially interesting if you have only a limited (36) of time to travel around the area you are visiting. Since each company has its own rules and rates, it is a good idea A. Some time B. Sometimes C. Sometime D. Some times [单选题]为我行法人客户提供担保的融资性担保机构实缴货币资本应达到( )以上,对于具有良好风险补偿机制的政策性担保机构,实缴货币资本最低可以放宽至
A.A.5000万元(含);4000万元(含) B.B.4000万元(含);3000万元(含) C.C.3000万元(含);2000万元(含) D.D.2000万元(含);1000万元(含) [单选题]在执业药师管理职责分工中,由省级药品监督管理部门负责的是
A.执业药师合格标准 B.执业药师资格考试考务工作 C.执业药师考试大纲 D.执业药师注册管理工作 [单项选择]()是酿制特基拉酒的主要原料。
A. 淀粉 B. 龙舌兰 C. 甘蔗 D. 甜菜 [多选题] 开式自动喷水灭火系统根据工作原理不同分为:()喷水灭火系统、()消防给水系统、()灭火系统。
A.水幕 B.水喷雾 C.冷却 D.雨淋 [简答题]简述人寿保险合同的概念和种类。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]关于客运站安全例检管理,下列说法中错误的是( )。
A.客运站应设立安全例检机构,负责安全例检的组织实施 B.日检车辆数超过600辆时,安全例检人员推荐配置15人 C.客运站车辆安全例检人员的工作主要是在不拆卸零部件的条件下对影响营运客车行车安全的可视部件技术状况进行检查 D.例检场所应在醒目位置公布安全例检流程图示,安全例检项目、检查方法、技术要求及其他注意事项 [单项选择]手足厥寒,舌淡苔白,脉沉细者,治疗应选用()
A. 四逆汤 B. 当归四逆汤 C. 回阳救急汤 D. 右归丸 E. 大建中汤 [单项选择]I will go to play ______ badminton on weekend if I can.
A.IL-3 B.IL-4 C.IL-13 D.IL-10 E.IFN-γ [多选题]脚手架按材质可分为( )。
A. 木脚手架 B. 钢管脚手架 C. 门式组合脚手架 D. 竹脚手架 [单选题]进入正线、辅助线及影响正线行车的施工须经( )同意
A.行调 B.检调 C.维调 D.环调 [判断题]iLOCK 型计算机联锁系统VLE板在DC5.05V电压下不能正常工作。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]380/220V 电缆线路主干线截面应不小于( )mm2。
A.240 B.150 C.120 D.70 [单选题]由车站担当专用线、段管线取送车作业时,由( )负责采取防溜措施。
A.货运员 B.企业人员 C.车站作业人员 D.装卸人员 [单选题]喂奶前用温水将母乳温热( )℃。
A.36~37 B.37~38 C.38~39 D.39~40 [简答题]列车制动机进行感度试验时有何要求?C15
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