(1)处填()。 Zoos are among mankind’s oldest
institutions, dating back at least 4,500 years, and probably more. Across the
world they have brought together and displayed live wild animals for people to
look at and over the years {{B}}{{U}}hundreds of millions{{/B}}{{/U}} have. Any
institution with so long a history and so universally attended must reach
something in people deeper than idle curiosity. Since it is fashionable to speak
of roots today, it might be suggested that zoos allow us to stay in touch with
our most primitive roots in a primeval world where human survival depended on
knowing the shapes and habits of wild animals. So important were wild creatures
to our distant ancestors that they were the most frequent subjects of paintings
on cave walls, formed the basis for virtually all early religions, and were in
numerous instances A. enable people to experience the feeling of being in the nature B. bring poor people a sense of comfort with the sight of animals C. make people cherish their life more by knowing animals’ fate better D. serve noble people from less than two aspects in the long run [单选题](1分)下列常见体表良性肿瘤中,易发生恶变的是
A.皮肤乳头状疣 B.交界痣 C.皮内痣 D.神经鞘瘤 E.毛细血管瘤 [填空题]Some experts think the Fremont was pushed out by other peoples, while other experts believe that they moved south because of some______.
A. 使得相关的发动机液压泵低压灯亮 B. 同时关断发动机燃油关断阀门和增压燃油关断阀门 C. 打开机翼防冰阀门 D. 相关发动机的液压流量关断阀门打开使得反喷有效 综合布线可靠性和经济性是如何体现的?
A.第一次武装起义 B.第二次武装起义 C.第三次武装起义 [单选题]双线反方向出站调车时,应发给司机()。
A.绿色许可证 B.路票 C.出站调车通知书 [多选题]我们要健全()的多层次社会保障体系。
A.覆盖全民 B.统筹城乡 C.公平统一 D.安全规范 E.可持续 [单项选择]北京碧溪公司与上海浦东公司订立了一份书面合同,碧溪公司签字、盖章后邮寄给浦东公司签字、盖章。该合同于何时成立( )。
A. 自碧溪公司与浦东公司门头协商—致并签订备忘录时成立 B. 自碧溪公司签字、盖章时成立 C. 自碧溪公司将签字、盖章的合同交付邮寄时成立 D. 自浦东公司签字、盖章时成立 [单选题]银行业金融机构反假货币工作联络机制于()建立。
A.2013年; B.2014年; C.2015年; [单项选择]你是TestKing网站的电脑管理员,公司网络包含WindowsXP专业版电脑在Windows2000域,该域名为testking.com。用户存储加密的数据在WindowsXP专业版电脑上,公司并没有使用远程用户配置文件。你在Katherine的WindowsXP专业版电脑上进行更新,在更新过程中,Katherine的配置文件给误删了。当Katherine登陆到电脑上试着打开她的文档时,她收到错误信息说访问被拒绝,该文档并没有备份。你要使Katherine能访问她的文档,你要怎么做呢?()
A. 运行Cipher命令来升级所有加密的文档 B. 恢复电脑到最近的一次还原点 C. 使用Password重置磁盘来获得Katherine加密的文件系统密钥 D. 使用数据恢复代理密钥来解密加密的文档 E. 选中所有的文件并把Katherine添加到能清晰地打开文件的用户中 [单选题]“先天之忧而忧,后天下之乐而乐”出自( )的文章。
A.文天祥 B.辛弃疾 C.范仲淹 D.施耐庵 我来回答: 提交