Walk a Quarter-Mile or Die If you can walk a quarter-mile, odds (可能性) are you have at least six years of life left in you, scientists say. And the faster you can {{U}} (51) {{/U}} it, the longer you might live. While walking is no guarantee of {{U}} (52) {{/U}} or longevity (长寿), a new study found that the ability of elderly people to do the quarter-mile was an "important determinant (决定因素) " in whether or not they’d be {{U}} (53) {{/U}} six years later and how much illness and disability they would endure. "The {{U}} (54) {{/U}} to complete this walk was a powerful predictor of health outcomes. " said study leader Anne Newman of the University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine. " In fact, we {{U}} (55) {{/U}} that the people who could not complete A. in B. at C. of D. with [多选题]实验室用水是将源水采用( )等方法,去除可溶性、不溶性盐类以及有机物、胶体等杂质,达到一定纯度标准的水。
A.蒸馏 B.离子交换 C.电渗析 D.过滤 E.氢和氧反应 F.以上都可以 [填空题]刑事诉讼立案的程序包括对于立案材料的接受、( )和处理三个部分。
[单选题]联社会计部门对柜员制网点进行全面检查辅导至少( )
A.每季一次 B.每月一次 C.每半年一次 D.视情况而定 [简答题]某饭店2004年12月发生以下业务。
(1)客房收入80万元,保龄球馆收入5万元,歌舞厅收入6万元。 (2)餐厅餐饮收入50万元,另收服务费2万元。 (3)附设小卖部零售收入1万元。 (4)出租柜台销售字画,本月取得租金0.5万元,字画销售收入8万元。 (5)饭店为前台、餐厅和保龄球馆共购置税控收款机3台,取得的普通发票上注明的价款为9万元。 要求:计算饭店本月应纳流转税(附加税费不考虑)。 [单项选择]脑栓塞的栓子主要来自下述疾病或部位,但除外()
A. 风心病 B. 细菌性心内膜炎 C. 主动脉壁粥样斑块脱落 D. 主动脉夹层瘤血块脱落 E. 左心房血栓脱落 [单项选择]Is the literary critic like the poet, responding creatively, intuitively, subjectively to the written word as the poet responds to human experience Or is the critic more like a scientist, following a series of demonstrable, verifiable steps, using an objective method of analysis
For the woman who is a practitioner of feminist literary criticism, the subjectivity versus objectivity, or critic-as-artist-or-scientist, debate has special significance; for her, the question is not only academic, but political as well, and her definition will provoke special risks whichever side of the issue it favors. If she defines feminist criticism as objective and scientific--a valid, verifiable, intellectual method that anyone, whether man or woman, can perform--the definition not only makes the critic-as-artist approach impossible, but may also hinder accomplishment of the utilitarian political objectives of those who seek to change the academic establishment and its thinking, especially about se A. To forge a new theory of literary criticism. B. To pursue truth in a disinterested manner. C. To demonstrate that women are interested in literary criticism that can be viewed either subjectively or objectively. D. To convince the academic establishment to revise the ways in which it assesses women scholars’ professional qualities. [单项选择]下列不符合水泵配管负荷运转的合格标准的是()。
A. 泵运转无杂音 B. 泵体无渗透 C. 轴承无明显的温升 D. 各紧固部件无松动 [判断题] 治安案件调查结束后,违法事实不能成立的,公安机关应当作出不予处罚决定。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]关于组播分发树, 下面说法哪些是错误的?
A.组播分发树大体分为两种:SPT 和 RPT. B.PIM-SM 协议既可以生成 RPT 树, 又可以生成 SPT 树 C.PIM-DM 协议既可以生成 RPT 树, 也可以生成 SPT 树 D.PIM-DM 协议只能生成 SPT 树 [单项选择]循行具有“束带而前垂”特点的经脉是
A. 冲脉 B. 带脉 C. 任脉 D. 阳跷脉 [单项选择]工程机械中,蜗杆传动应用较广,其结构较为特殊。只有掌握其构造与使用维护的方法,才能保证工程机械正常运行。试问:蜗轮模数m1=3,压力角a1=20°,则蜗杆模数、压力角分别为()。
A. m2=2,a2=10° B. m2=3,a2=20° C. m2=4,a2=20° D. m2=3,a2=10° [单项选择]在参加排气检测前熄火超过(),应对车辆进行预热。
A. 20min B. 15min C. 10min D. 5min [判断题]灭火器泄压是指压力表指针指在红区。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]16V240ZJB型柴油机燃油油压超过()时,燃油会经限压阀和燃油热交换器进入燃油箱。
A. 80kPa B. 100kPa C. 120kPa [单项选择]某市禁止养狗,但市民甲的邻居乙不顾禁令养了一只狗,狗经常咬伤路人,甲对此提心吊胆,于是请求公安局处理此事,但公安局置之不理。甲对公安局的不作为提起诉讼,一审法院作出不予受理的决定,甲某不服,向上一级法院提出上诉,则下列说法不正确的是( )
A. 二审法院应当裁定撤销一审判决 B. 二审法院应当裁定发回一审法院重审,一审法院应当另行组成合议庭进行审理 C. 在二审法院审理过程中,公安局可以改变原不作为的行政行为 D. 在二审法院审理过程中,公安局不可以改变原具体行政行为 [单选题]骨折病人长期卧床可发生
A.脂肪栓塞 B.创伤性关节炎 C.坠积性肺炎 D.缺血性骨坏死 [判断题]集中反映一个车站的信号机与其所防护的进路之间、有关的信号机之间、以及有关的进路之间的全部联锁关系的图表,称为进路联锁表。
A.正确 B.错误 我来回答: 提交