内部网关协议IGP运行在自治系统内部的各个路由器之间。最初的ICP是 (218) ,它执行 (219) 。当网络规模扩大时,该算法传送的路由信息太多,增加了网络负载,后来又出现了执行最短路径优先算法IGP。按照这种协议,每个路由器向网络中的其他路由器发布 (220) ,当路由信息改变后,路由器按照 (221) 算法更新路由表。外部网关协议EGP运行在不同自治系统的路由器之间,典型的EGP是 (222) 。
(221)处填()Questions 11-15 are based on the following
passage: Although no one is certain why migration occurs, there are several theories. One theory claims that prehistoric birds of the Northern Hemisphere were forced south during the Ice Age. As the glaciers melted, the birds came back to their homelands, spent the summer, and then went south again as the ice advanced in winter. In time, the migration became a habit in spite of the disappearance of glaciers. Another theory proposes that the ancestral home of all modern birds was the tropics. When the region became overpopulated, many species were crowded north. During the summer, there was plenty of food, but during the winter, scarcity forced them to return to the tropics. A more recent theory suggests a relationship between increasing daylight and the stimulation of certain glands (腺) in A. To test the relationship between daylight and a disease of the glands common to birds. B. To test the relationship between daylight and migration. C. To test the relationship between migration and temperature. D. To test the relationship between daylight and changes in the season. [填空题]电力机车上一般采用改变( )的电流方向来改变牵引电动机旋转方向,达到机车换向目的。
[多选题]验证宽带账号信息:为确保信息和网络安全,用户登录手机营业厅时,需对用户宽带账号信息通过( )或( )等方式进行验证,避免非法操作。
A.手机号码 B.密码 C.身份证 D.驾驶证 [多选题]闭塞设备分为( )
A.自动闭塞 B.自动站间闭塞 C.半自动闭塞 D.电话闭塞 [单项选择]削根上肥后,埋包一定要埋正,防止()。
A. 引杆插偏 B. 出偏苗 C. 不出苗 D. 死苗 [多项选择]在办理信用卡柜台取现的交易凭条上,需审核/填写的主要要素有()
A. 卡号 B. 签字 C. 货币 D. 金额 E. 身份证号码 [单选题]泄漏电流试验中的电容器C数值可为()。(150~300V)
A.0.8~20F B. 0.9~20F C. 0.5~20F [单选题]根据《刑法》的规定,下列关于自首和立功说法中正确的是( )。
A.犯罪嫌疑人的亲友掌握犯罪线索后,向司法机构提供他人犯罪线索、协助抓捕犯罪嫌疑人,应当认定犯罪嫌疑人属于立功 B.对于自首的犯罪分子,犯罪较轻的,可以免除处罚 C.犯罪嫌疑人有重大立功表现的,可以从轻或减轻处罚 D.犯罪后自首又有重大立功表现的,应当从轻或减轻处罚 [单项选择]为确诊,哪项检查是最有意义的:
A. 血CA125 B. B超 C. 腹水细胞学检查 D. MRI E. 诊断性刮宫 [判断题]站台门系统内任何一部分故障都能影响整个 UPS
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]软件设计分为( )和UI设计。
A. 需求分析 B. 编码设计 C. 调试设计 D. 测试设计 [判断题]( )机车、动车及各种车辆上方的接触网设备未停电并办理安全防护措施前,禁止任何人员攀登到车顶或车辆装载的货物上。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]根据维护国家安全、保障国家重大任务、处置突发事件等需要,国家()实施无线电管制。
A.不能 B.不可以 C.可以 D.无权 [单选题](66091)赛雪龙BVAC.N99型真空断路器采用真空管及( )控制。(2.0分)
A.空气 B.电力 C.电空 D.液体 [单项选择]
一般人们习惯于从哪三个重要方面来进行归因?() A. ①②③ B. ②③⑤ C. ①③④ D. ①③⑤ E. ①④⑤ [判断题]可燃液体闪点高于30℃。
[多选题]用OTDR可以测试和判断题那些内容( )
A.测试接头损耗 B.测试背向散射曲线和进行纤芯故障定位 C.测试纤芯的色度色散 D.测试纤芯衰减系数 我来回答: 提交