Culture determines what kind of
thinking is important and what kind is not so important. Learners use the
language, tools, and practice their culture to learn concepts. Although students
have their individual learning styles, their learning styles are often combined
with cultural values. For example, Navajo (North American Indians living in
Arizona, New Mexico, and Utah) children often learn first by observing and
listening. Then, when ready, they continue learning on their own in cooperation
with and under the supervision of an adult. In this way, the children learn all
the skills they need. Navajo children speak very little during this process. In
contrast, many African American children learn effectively by acting and
performing. They like classroom activities such as oral presentations,
role-plays, and dramatic performances. Lots of A. five B. three C. two D. four [填空题] 编组站、区段站在( )以外的线路上停留的车辆,不进行调车作业时,应连挂在一起,并须拧紧两端车辆的人力制动机,或以铁鞋( )牢靠固定。
[单选题]生产经营单位制定或者修改有关安全生产的规章制度,应当听取( )的意见。
A.党委 B.团委 C.工会 D.安监部门 [判断题]各单位应定期组织火灾应急处置实战演练,消防重点单位和旅客列车每年不少于1次。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]副风缸是车辆( )部分的部件之一。
A.转向架 B.车钩缓冲装置 C.制动装置 D.车体 [单项选择]It was not______I saw Helen the next morning______I felt relieved.
A. until; that B. when; that C. until; when D. when; then [判断题]证券交易所是提供证券分散竞价交易场所的不以营利为目的的法人。( )
A.正确 B.错误 我来回答: 提交