"The impulse to excess among young
Britons remains as powerful as ever, but the force that used to keep the impulse
in check has all but disappeared," claimed a newspaper. Legislation that made it
easier to get hold of a drink was "an Act for the increase of drunkenness and
immorality", asserted a politician. The first statement comes from 2005, the second from 1830. On both occasions, the object of scorn was a parliamentary bill that promised to sweep away "antiquated" licensing laws. As liberal regulations came into force this week, Britons on both sides of the debate unwittingly followed a 19th-century script. Reformers then, as now, took a benign view of human nature. Make booze cheaper and more readily available, said the liberalisers, and drinkers would develop sensible, continental European style ways. Nonsense, retorted t A. the statement by a critic B. the increase of drunkenness C. the decline of immorality D. the assertion by a politician [多选题]有列哪些行为,视情节和危害后果,由铁路各级行政机关、单位或司法部门给予行政处分、治安处罚直至追究刑事责任( )。
A.玩忽职守或者在防洪抢险中临阵退缩者 B.非法堵塞桥涵等排水孔道或扒决路基者 C.挪用、盗窃、贪污防洪物资或钱款者 D.阻碍防洪指挥部工作人员依法执行公务者。 [单选题]( )是指实现指定电气或相关功能,并处于实时发电、输电、变电、配电和供电状态下的设备或设施。
A.运用设备 B.备用设备 C.运行设备 D.检修设备 [单选题]计入重大税务案件审理期限的有( )
A.补充调查的时间 B.补正材料的时间 C.审理委员会办公室协调分歧的时间 D.请示上级机关的时间 [单选题]晶状体位于
A.虹膜与睫状体之间 B.虹膜与睫状小带之间 C.虹膜与玻璃体之间 D.角膜与玻璃体之间 E.以上都不对 [单选题]22.壶腹部癌的临床表现中较早出现的是
A.黄疸 B.上腹痛及脊背痛 C.寒战发热 D.消化道症状 E.贫血消瘦 [单选题] 糖尿病患者有氧运动训练的方法不包括
A.踏车运动 B.举重运动 C.游泳运动 D.登山运动 E.平板运动 [多选题]按照飞行区等级指标II,以下机型类别划分正确的是( )。
A.AN124属于E类 B.A300-600属于D类 C.B787-8属于E类 D.B747-8属于F类 [判断题]原规定为在车站通过的列车,调度命令指定临时停车时,一律按在车站停车列车办理。
A.正确 B.错误 [多选题]单相用户电灯时明时暗的主要原因有可能是( )。
A.线路带有单台容量较大电动机,频繁启动,造成低压电网波动 B.线路带有较大容量的电焊机、点焊机等间歇性用电设备 C.低压接线户与低压线路连接不实 D.线径细,且线路过长 [判断题]容许信号显示一个蓝色灯光——准许列车在出站色灯信号机显示红色灯光的情况下不停车,以不超过2错km/h的速度通过,运行到次一架通过信号机,并随时准备停车。
A.正确 B.错误 我来回答: 提交