American suffers from an overdose of
work (51) who they are or what they do. They spend
(52) time at work than at any time since World War Ⅱ. In 1950,
the US had fewer working hours than any other (53) country.
Today, it (54) every country but Japan, where industrial
employees log 2, 155 hours a year compared (55) 1, 951 in the
US and 1, 603 (56) West employees. Between 1969 mad
1989, employed Americans (57) an average of 138 hours to
their yearly work schedules. The work-week (58) at about 40
hours, but people are working more weeks each year. (59) ,
paid time off-holidays, vacations, sick leave-- (60) 15
percent in the 1990s. As corporations have (61) stiffer competition and slower growth in productivity, they (62) employees to work longer. Cost-cutting layo A. numbers B. amounts C. figures D. quantities [单选题]"X2K和X2H型双层集装箱专用平车装载集装箱后距轨面最大装载高度不得超过5850mm, 高5850-1820mm处半宽不超过()。
A.1320mm B.1350mm C.1400mm D.1300mm [判断题]聚合反应中,氮气常用于置换反应装置和输送催化剂等多种用途。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]( )应持有职业资格证
A.工作票签发人 B.工作负责人 C.工作许可人 D.特殊工种作业人员 [判断题]任何人发现火灾都应当立即报警。
A. 职称 B. 学历 C. 管理能力 D. 专业知识 [单选题]当河床宽阔,流量较大,工期较长,并有通航要求时,宜采用( )。
A.全段围堰法导流 B.分段围堰法导流 C.基坑淹没法导流 D.河床外导流 [多选题]226]遇有下列( )情形的,不予放行,报告民用机场公安机关处理。
A.旅客使用变造、伪造、涂改证件或者冒用他人证件的 B.人证对照不符,旅客声称整容、变性、易装的 C.持有公安机关签发的错误身份证件的 D.刑满释放人员持刑满释放证明乘机的 [单选题]巡视时发现非紧急情况的异常问题处理,应获得()批准。
A.设备运维管理单位 B.电力通信运维单位(部门) C.上级主管部门 D.公司领导 E.略 F.略 [判断题]工伤保险费根据以收定支的原则,确定费率。
[多选题]559>配变监测计量终端具有哪些功能( )。
A.电能计量 B.电压统计监测 C.负荷控制 D.谐波监测 [多选题]扼流变压器的作用是()。
A.构通牵引电流回流 B.平衡牵引电流 C.变压 D.阻抗匹配 我来回答: 提交