A. 自收到处分决定之日起30日内可以向原处分、处理机关申请复议 B. 有权向市检察机关申诉 C. 复议和申诉期间,不停止对检察官处分决定的执行 D. 如果对李某的处分是错误的,应当及时予以纠正;造成经济损失的,应当赔偿,但对于所谓名誉损害,无须采取措施 [简答题]The world is at an environmental crossroads where the choice between greed and humanity will decide the fate of millions of people for decades to come, the United Nations Environment Program (UNEP) said. "Fundamental changes are possible and required," UNEP executive director Klaus Toepfer told a news conference presenting the third Global Environment Outlook (GEO) report. "It would be a disaster to sit back and ignore the picture painted,"
46)The GEO-3 report, designed to kick world leaders into action ahead of the Johannesburg earth summit in late August, sees a bleak outlook for the future unless radical action is taken now. "The choices made today are critical for the forests, oceans, rivers, mountains, wildlife and other life support systems upon which current and future generations depend," it said. The report painted four possible scenarios (假定)ranging from the greed-driven "markets first" future to the caring and sharing "sustainability first" approach. Un [单项选择]患者,女,26岁,已婚。停经48天,尿妊娠试验(+),1周来纳呆恶心,口淡,吐出物为清水,头晕疲倦,舌淡苔白,脉缓滑无力,其证型是()。
A. 脾胃虚寒 B. 脾胃虚弱 C. 痰湿中阻 D. 肝胃不和 E. 以上均非 [填空题] 尖轨尖端轨距加宽,允许速度不大于120km/h的道岔应按不大于( )的递减率递减至基本轨接头。
A.430mm B.500mm C.550mm D.600mm [单选题]电网设备消防管理应遵循(____)的工作方针
A.预防为主,综合治理 B.预防为主,防消结合 C.统一规划,综合治理 D.统一规划,防治结合 [多选题]下列关于车号描述正确的有哪些()
A.车号系统是用来读取车辆的电子标签 B.室外天线包括安装支架,底座,车号装置和射频电缆 C.室外天线在来车的时候才工作 D.室外天线的工作频率是一定的 E.以上说法都不对 F.以上说法都不对 [单项选择]栓子运行的途径一般是()。
A. 顺压力运行 B. 逆压力运行 C. 顺血流运行 D. 逆血流运行 E. A-V内交叉运行 [单选题]快速校准中多长时间内需要把方式选择钮从OFF位搬至NAV方式( )
A.5S B.3S C.7S D.10S [判断题]一般可选择大型发电厂的高压母线、枢纽变电站的二次母线作为电压中枢点。
A.正确 B.错误 我来回答: 提交