W: We are now in Washington D.C., the capital city of America.
M: It must be the political centre of America.
W: That’ s for sure. People name it Washington D.C. since it lies in the district of Columbia. You know there is also a state named Washington in America. But it is in the Northwest of our country.
M: I think this city’s name must be connected with President Washington.
W: Yes. George Washington has been highly respected by the American people. To show their admiration and love for President Washington, they name their capital city Washington D.C.
M: Oh, I see.
W: Look, there is the Washington Monument. It is the highest needle shaped building in the world. The height is 55 feet.
M: Will we visit the Library of Congress
W: Yes. The Library of Congress is the largest Library in the world. The glass ceiling makes the library very bright.
M: Your interpretation is so helpfu
A. Because Washington D. C. lies in the district of Columbia.
B. Because there is a state named Washington in America.
C. Because it was connected with President Washington.
D. Because they want to show their admiration and love for President Washington.
A1 | A2 | A3 |
a | a | d |
a | b | e |
a |
[判断题] 起重设备作业人员在作业中应严格执行起重设备的操作规程和有关安全规章制度。( ) (1.0分)
A.正确 B.错误 [多选题]下列二氯二氢硅泄漏的基本处置要求正确的是( )
A.迅速切断相关阀门,时间宜控制在3分钟内(防止爆炸); B.如无法第一时间切断泄漏点物料来源,则迅速撤离第一区域,准备泡沫灭火器和通知主控远程切断或停产相应装置,并保持正压,迅速按事故流程上报启动应急机制; C.切断有效并确认安全,则派员作进一步隐患处置,事态失控爆炸燃烧,用泡沫压制,并远程紧急排放容器物料,再次确认相关装置正压状态,待大部分物料转移完成,切断灌区装置,同时消防水准备到位; D.火势如进一步变大,则用消防水降温,保护临近设备装置安全,直到事态得到有效控制; [单选题]FusionSphere OpenStack OM创建规格时,如果设置了虚拟机大于内存,则NUMA亲和性默认启用。
A.错 B.对 [单选题]螺旋式外钩是打捞( )的专用打捞工具。
A.杆类 B.管类 C.不规则的小件 D.绳、缆类 [不定项选择题]资料:A new Chinese-led international development bank announced its first four loans on Saturday, pledging to lend $509 million for projects to spread electric power in rural Bangladesh, upgrade living conditions in slums in Indonesia, and improve roads in Pakistan and Tajikistan. At the first of the annual general meetings of in institution, the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank, the bank’s president, Jin Liqun, said the projects were financially sound and environmentally friendly and had been accepted by the people in the project areas.
The road in Tajikistan is just three miles long, but it will help clear traffic congestion on an important trading route near the capital, Dushanbe. A $100 million loan to Pakistan is for 40 miles of highway in Punjab Province that would complete the last section of national artery, the M-4, the bank said.
Three of the projects are being financed with other institutions-the Asian Development Bank, the World Bank, and the European bank for Reconstruction and Development-an approach that allowed the new bank to begin the projects quickly. The bank’s $165 million loan to expand electricity in rural areas of Bangladesh is its only stand-alone project. By financing projects with long-established institutions, the Beijing-based bank was able to move quickly because work on meeting environmental standards and procurement policies had been completed, staff members at the bank said.
Although the new bank was China’s idea, it is intended to operate as an international bank dedicated to improving the basic structures and facilities needed to stimulate development across Asia, Mr. Jin said at a news conference on Saturday. Unlike the World Bank and the Asian Development Bank, the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank places less emphasis on the reduction of poverty, he said. The bank “ was born with the birthmark of China, but its upbringing is international,” Mr. Jin said. Referring to the three other institutions that will finance the projects, he said, “we can work wonderfully together.”
The new bank is being watched closely. The United States refused to join when it was offered membership in 2014. Japan has also not sought membership in the bank. But President Obama’s administration was mostly concerned that the bank would challenge the current development architecture, the Bretton Woods system established under the leadership of the United States after World WarⅡ.
In the past year, Mr. Jin has worked to reassure Washington, largely by agreeing to choose projects that have already been approved by the World Bank, the Asian Development Bank and the European Bank. He has also emphasized that the new bank will be more streamlined and strive to be “lean, green and clean.”
Britain was the most eager of the Western democracies to join the bank, and it broke ranks with the United States and became a member in the fall of 2014. Other members of the European Union, including France and Germany, rushed in after Britain. The withdrawal of Britain from the European Union is not expected to affect its relationship with the bank, Mr. Jin said. “ I believe the United Kingdom will continue to play an important role in the development of the bank, ”he said at the news conference. Asked if he believed that Britain’s decision showed that the old guard was crumbling quicker than he expected, Mr. Jin diplomatically replied that he had detected no such..(缺失)
Two dozen countries have expressed interest in joining the bank, and they sent observers to the two-day meeting, Mr. Jin said. The new members would come from Eastern Europe, Latin America, and could join as early as (缺失)year.
The Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank’s first four loans will go to the following except ( ).
A.India B.Tajikistan C.Pakistan D.Bangladesh [单项选择]()是指儿童偏向于对一类刺激物注意得多,而在同样情况下对另一类刺激物注意得少的现象。
A. 探究性注意 B. 定向性注意 C. 选择性注意 D. 状态性注意 [单选题]( ) 狭义的工业设计包括( )。
A. 器具,系统,设备 B. 器具,机械,设备 C. 视觉,系统,设备 D. 器具,机械,外形 [单选题]《普速大型车站服务质量规范》规定,始发列车检票时间不晚于开车前()分钟。
A.45 B.40 C.35 D.30 [多项选择]下列关于理财顾问服务的说法,正确的有( )。
A. 客户寻求理财顾问服务的唯一目的是追求收益最大化 B. 银行通过理财顾问服务实现客户关系管理目标,进而提高银行经营业绩 C. 商业银行在理财顾问服务中不涉及客户财务资源的具体操作,只提供建议 D. 商业银行提供理财顾问服务追求的是和客户建立一个长期的关系,不能只追求短期的收益 E. 理财顾问服务要求能够兼顾客户财务的各个方面 [多项选择]放射化学的主要内容包括()
A. 基础放射化学 B. 放射性元素化学 C. 核化学 D. 放射分析化学 E. 应用放射化学 [填空题]43 有偿销售货物、提供劳务、销售服务、销售无形资产、销售不动产是指取得货币、货物。( )
[判断题]安全生产管理制度要明确现场管理人员的职责、权限,现场管理的内容和要求以及现场应急处置等方面的内容。"( )
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]( )曲线超高在困难条件下,可适当加大顺坡坡度,但允许速度大于120 km/h线路不应大于1/(8υmax )。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]1白炽灯和日光灯等普通灯具距易燃物的防护距离为不小于():
A.200mm B.300mm C.400mm D.500mm [判断题]农药经营者不执行农药采购台账、销售台账制度且拒不改正的,处2000元以上2万元以下罚款,并由发证机关吊销农药经营许可证。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]关于Ponceau染色法显示胶原、细胞和肌肉着色的描述,错误的是
A.胶原纤维呈红色 B.细胞核血细胞呈绿色 C.肌肉呈黄色 D.胶原纤维切片厚度6um,Victoria blue染色液盛在染色缸内 E.Ponceau染色后,直接放在水中 [单项选择]种植性转移特点下列错误的是()。
A. 多见于体腔内脏器官肿瘤 B. 肿瘤细胞脱落 C. 多见肺、肝、卵巢癌 D. 可见肾种植转移 E. 可见胸腹膜种植转移 [多项选择]下列关于建设工程质量目标全过程控制的表述中,正确的是( )。
A. 对建设工程质量目标的所有内容进行控制 B. 建设工程各阶段关于质量控制的侧重点不同 C. 要避免不断提高质量目标的倾向 D. 重点是设计阶段和施工阶段的质量控制 E. 对建设工程所有内容的质量进行控制 我来回答: 提交