The food you eat does more than provide energy. It can have a dramatic effect on your body’s ability to fight off heart disease, cancer, diabetes, high blood pressure, stroke, and weak bones. With remarkable consistency, recent research has found that a diet high in plant-based foods--fruits, vegetables, dried peas and beans, grains, and starchy staples such as potatoes is the body’s best weapon in thwarting many health-related problems. These foods work against so many diseases that the same healthy ingredients you might use to protect your heart or ward off cancer will also benefit your intestinal tract and bones.
Scientists have recently estimated that approximately 30 to 40 percent of all cancers could be averted if people ate more fruits, vegetables, and plant-based foods and minimized high-fat, high-calorie edibles that have scant nutritional value. Up to 70 percent of cancers might be eliminated if people also stopped smoking, exercised regularly, and c
A. Calcium-rich food
B. Plant-based and starchy staples food
C. High-fat, high-calorie food
D. Vitamin D-rich food
"Where is the bus ’I asked myself. I
was going to be late{{U}} (36) {{/U}}the manager wasn’t going to be{{U}}
(37) {{/U}}. "Thank Good, here it is!" The bus{{U}} (38)
{{/U}}round the corner and I got on. Ten minutes later I was walking into
the{{U}} (39) {{/U}}where I work. "Twenty-five past nine. I{{U}}
(40) {{/U}}the manager dosen’t notice. "But no{{U}} (41)
{{/U}}luck! "Smith ! "shouted the manager. "Late again. What’s your{{U}} (42) {{/U}}this time "" I’m afraid the bus was late, Mr. Brown.""{{U}} (43) {{/U}}up eariler tomrrow! Anyway, go to your{{U}} (44) {{/U}}at the counter. We’ll be opening in a few minutes. " My. first customer was a pretty girl wearing a red dress.{{U}} (45) {{/U}}her was a young man of about 25. He seemed very{{U}} (46) {{/U}}, and eve A. information B. offer C. introduction D. support [填空题]
记者见闻( ) 隐性采访( ) [多选题]脱硫系统临时停运时,一般需停运 ( )。
A.工艺水系统 B.吸收塔系统 C.烟气系统 D.石灰石浆液系统。 [单项选择]采用多级压缩和中间冷却的压缩机,可以()
A. 降低压缩机排出压力 B. 改善压气机润滑条件 C. 降低容积效率 D. 提高排出温度 [单项选择]建筑工程图中尺寸单位,总平面图和标高的单位用()
A. mm B. cm C. m D. km E. i [多项选择]建设华为C+D柜站点,C柜中需配置的模块有哪些()
A. 2仓室 B. 一体化电源柜配件TEC设备(200W) C. 一体化电源柜配件80W/K门装热交换器 D. 150W/K门装热交换器 E. 一体化电源柜配件嵌入式开关电源200A-200A(总容量-实际容量) [单项选择]竹叶石膏汤中含有的药物
A. 半夏、麦冬、甘草 B. 竹叶、石膏、党参 C. 石膏、人参、知母 D. 竹叶、麦冬、生地 E. 甘草、生地、石膏 [判断题]在一定压强下操作的工业沸腾装置,为使有较高的传热系数,常采用膜状沸腾。 ( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]下列属于关节的基本结构的是( )。
A.关节囊 B.关节盘 C.关节唇 D.韧带 [多选题]客户可以下载手机银行的方式有哪些?()
A.微信银行 B.下载链接 C.二维码 D.网上银行 E.电视银行 [单选题]( )的情况下,需求预测相对( )。
A.在不存在随机性变化、容易 B.在不存在随机性变化、较难 C.在存在随机性变化、容易 D.在不存在随机性变化、不准确 [单项选择]下列有关城市布局的表述中,哪项是不正确的( )
A. 化学工业应与城市的生活居住设施保持一定的距离,并设置较宽的绿化防护带 B. 主要用于农副产品收购的仓库,应设在郊区入城干道口附近 C. 地震断裂带上一般可设置绿化带,也可设置城市主要交通干道,但不得进行城市建筑的建设 D. 机动车停车场出入口应距离城市干路交叉口100m以上 [单选题]冬天触摸室外的铁器和木材,会感到冷热不一样,那么( )
A.木头的温度高 B.铁的温度高 C.铁和木头的温度一样高 D.木头和铁导热功能一样 [单选题]面部表情法适用于哪些人( )
A.成人 B.老人 C. 7岁以下儿童或认知障碍成年人 D.文盲 [单选题]细集料密度及吸水率试验所用的坍落筒法适用于( )的细集料。
A.A.小于2.36mm B.B.大于2.36mm C.C.小于4.75mm D.D.大于4.75mm [单项选择]1924年我国第一本《教育心理学》教科书出版,它的作者是( )。
A. 陶行知 B. 廖世承 C. 潘菽 D. 蔡元培 [单选题]莲房味( )。
A.甘 B.酸 C.苦 D.甜 我来回答: 提交