Male and Female Pilots Cause Accidents
Differently Male pilots flying general aviation (private) aircraft in the United States are more likely to crash due to inattention or flawed decision making. While female pilots are more likely to crash from mishandling (错误地处理) the aircraft (航行器). These are the results of a study by researchers at the Johns Hopkins University Bloomberg School of Public Health. The study identifies the differences between male and female pilots in terms of circumstances of the crash and the type of pilots error involved. "Crashes of general aviation aircraft account for 85 percent of all aviation deaths" in the United States. The crash rate for male pilots as for motor vehicle drivers, exceeds that of crashes of female pilots, " explains Susan P. Baker, MPH, pro A. They studied the findings of several previous research projects. B. They conduced a questionnaire with 411 pilots. C. They collected data from the database at the Johns Hopkins University D. They analyzed the circumstances of the crashes involved. [判断题]安全工作先进单位应当无造成重大负面影响的涉消舆情事件和信访投诉。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]火场勘验时,要检测铁磁性材料或构件的剩磁强度,应使用( )。
A.A、回弹仪 B.B、特斯拉计 C.C、万用表 D.D、钳形电流表 [单选题]马克思说黑人就是黑人。只有在一定的关系下,他才成为奴隶。这句话说明( )。
A.社会关系处于不断发展变化之中 B.人的本质是从所有客体上抽象出来的共同性 C.社会关系决定人的社会地位 D.社会关系是多方面的 [多选题]《机关、团体、企业、事业单位消防安全管理规定》(公安部令第61号)规定,下列属于消防安全重点单位防火档案中的消防安全基本情况的是()。
A. 单位基本情况 B. 消防安全重点部位情况 C. 建筑消防验收情况 D. 灭火器维修情况 E. 灭火和应急疏散预案 [简答题]金融市场
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]列车常用制动时,应遵守初次减压量不得少于( )。P115T486
A.50kPa B.60kPa C.70kPa [单选题]对于可能送电至停电设备的( )都应装设接地线或合上接地刀闸(装置),所装接地线与带电部分应考虑接地线摆动时仍符合安全距离的规定。
A.线路侧 B.母线侧 C.各方面 D.负荷侧 我来回答: 提交