(31) , optical
illusion can cut highway crashes. Japan is a case (32) . It
has reduced automobile crashes on some roads (33) nearly 75
percent using a simple optical illusion. Bent stripes, called chevrons
(34) the roads make drivers think that they are driving
faster than they really are, and thus drivers slow down. Now the American
Association Foundation for Traffic Safety in Washington D. C. is planning to
(35) Japan’s success. Starting next year, the foundation
will paint chevrons and other patterns of stripes on selected roads mound the
country to test how well the patterns reduce highway crashes. Excessive speed
plays a major role (36) one fifth of all fatal traffic
accidents, according to the foundation. (37) those
accidents, the foundation will conduct its tests in areas where speed-related
h A. Therefore B. However C. Consequently D. As a result [多选题]( )应根据模拟图或接线图核对所填写的操作项目,并分别手工或电子签名。
A.A.操作人 B.B.发令人 C.C.监护人 D.D.负责人 [多项选择]律师李某接受了犯罪嫌疑人张某的委托,在哪些情况发生后,李某可以拒绝继续为张某辩护( )。
A. 张某要求李某贿赂法官 B. 张某对李某隐瞒了重大的犯罪事实 C. 张某要求李某向其同伙提供销毁证据的消息 D. 张某的犯罪事实清楚,但仍坚持李某作无罪辩护 [多项选择]患者48岁,女性,因发现乳腺癌拟全麻下行乳腺癌改良根治术。既往哮喘10年,每年春季发作频繁,吸入激素和沙丁胺醇治疗,症状可以控制。术前应作什么评估()。
A. 详细了解病史 B. 肺功能测定 C. 血气检查 D. 过敏原皮肤试验 E. 胸部CT检查 [单选题]铰链四杆机构中从动杆与_____夹角为传动角。当曲柄和_____共线时,机构可能出现最小传动角。( )
A.机架;连杆 B.连杆;机架 C.曲柄;连杆 [简答题]党领导人民百年历程创造了哪四个方面的伟大成就?
[多选题]项目开工前,建设单位应组织( )等单位进行设计及施工交底,交代设计意图、安全技术要求及相关注意事项;
A.运行 B.设计 C.监理 D.施工 [单项选择]在失效浴盆曲线中,耗损失效期的故障时间的推移迅速().
A. 下降 B. 上升或下降 C. 上升 D. 不变 [单项选择]选购数控车床首先必须确定()。
A. 所需加工的典型工件 B. 加工工件的尺寸 C. 加工工件的数量 D. 加工工件的时间 [单项选择]根据我国破产法,具有破产资格的主体是( )
A. 私营企业 B. 合伙企业 C. 全民所有制工业企业 D. 个人 [单项选择]In the Northern Hemisphere the major ocean currents tend to flow().
A. clockwise around the North Atlantic and North Pacific Oceans B. clockwise or counterclockwise depending on whether it is warm or cold current C. counterclockwise except in the Gulf Stream D. counterclockwise around the North Atlantic and North Pacific Oceans [单项选择]将Catalyst 6500交换机第3个模块的端口1~端口8设置为全双工通信方式,正确的配置语句是______。
A. Switch-PHY-6500(config-if)#duplex full B. Switch-PHY-6500(config-if)#duplex 3 1-8 full C. Switch-PHY-6500>(enable) set port duplex 3/1-8 full D. Switch-PHY-6500>(enable) set port duplex 3 1-8 full [判断题]依据《铁路交通事故调查处理规则》规定,造成2人死亡,未构成较大以上事故的,为一般A类事故。
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]2.28 办理换领登记证书时,属于登记证书签注满后申请换领的,应将原登记证书原件收存在机动车档案内。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]下列中属于从内容特质上分类的企业文化有()。
A. 成长型企业文化 B. 团队型企业文化 C. 国有企业文化 D. 过程型企业文化 [判断题]标准集装箱空箱运价在标准集装箱重箱运价的基础上加成计算()
[单选题]功率因数从0.9提高到1.0所需的补偿容量,与将功率因数从0.8提高到0.9所需的补偿容量相比()。 ( )
A.一样多 B.更多些 C.少一些 D.不一定 [不定项选择题]共用题干
Ward off Travel Bugs
1 As the holiday season approaches,so does the prospect of jet lag,an upset stomach or sunburn. With care and some help from natural sources,however,it is quite possible to avoid these problems. 2 You can start to prepare a couple of weeks before you leave.Food poisoning will make any holiday miserable,but by taking some medicine such as lactobacillus and bifidobacteria,you can reduce the likelihood of succumbing to poisoning brought on by food or water tainted with unfamiliar bacteria. 3 By improving the bacteria balance in your digestive tract,you crowd out the pathogenic bacteria and stop them gaining a foothold.The beneficial bacteria also produce gentle but effective natural antibiotics in your gut. 4 In many holiday locations you need to remember the basics:drink bottled water,avoid undercooked meat and ensure that food hygiene is adequate.If you do succumb to food poisoning,drink plenty of water to stay hydrated and see a doctor.However,if you detect diarrhea early enough,you might like to try taking about 10 or 15 pancreatic digestive enzymes,which can digest the multiplying bacteria before they take over. 5 Taking a teaspoon of silicol gel can also help.This lines the stomach and upper intestinal area arid binds with bacteria and viruses,allowing them to be safely passed out of the gut.When you pack,include grapefruit- seed extract,which is an excellent all-round anti一bacterial,anti-parasitic,anti.viral and anti-fungal agent. 6 Your flight can also be made more pleasant.Peppermint oil and ginger capsules ward off motion sickness,but a more delicious option is to nibble on crystallized ginger.if you tend to get earache on take-off and landing,you can use special earplugs with filler that slows down the rate of change in air pressure. 7 The greatest concern is"economy class syndrome",the popular name for deep-vein thrombosis, which can lead to blood clots traveling from the legs to the lungs,heart or brain.To reduce this,you need a couple of hours to stay hydrated,and avoid alcohol. 8 You can also reduce the severity of inflammation by taking a daily gram of vitamin C with the bioflavonoidquercetin.Vitamin C and quercetin also help to reduce prickly heat. 9 Finally,if any adverse symptoms persist while overseas,you should see a doctor. It is important to drink a lot of water______. A.when your plane is about to land B.when you are taking tablets C.when you suffer from food-poisoning D.when you are travelling E.when you are packing for your tour F.when you are having a cold [单项选择]异位妊娠的临床表现除外()。
A. 阴道出血 B. 腹痛 C. 晕厥与休克 D. 发热 E. 下腹部明显压痛和反跳痛 [单项选择]对变量名说法不正确的是 ______。
A. 必须是字母开头,不能是数字或其他字符 B. 不能是Visual Basic的保留字 C. 可以包含字母、数字、下划线和标点符号 D. 不能超过255个字符 [判断题]在未安装TCP/IP的系统中也能使用PING命令。
A.正确 B.错误 [不定项选择题]在某初中,学期刚刚结束,做完班级大扫除,收拾学生遗落物品时,高老师发现了一本笔记本,这是男生钱某送给女生刘某的礼物,写有表白内容。面对这样的情况,高老师应该:
A.不动声色,将笔记本和其他遗落物品扔进垃圾桶 B.给家长打电话告知情况,希望家长禁止学生早恋 C.将笔记本及班里其他遗落物品妥善保存,开学后还给学生 D.通知钱某单独到办公室来取笔记本,并对其进行批评教育 [单项选择]下列与应税合同有关的印花税纳税人是()。
A. 合同订立人 B. 合同担保人 C. 合同鉴定人 D. 合同证人 [单项选择]从创新行为与组织环境的关系来看,创新可分为()。
A. 局部创新和整体创新 B. 防御型创新和进攻型创新 C. 组织初期创新和组织发展过程创新 D. 自发创新和有组织创新 [单项选择]诊断膀胱破裂的类型,最可靠的方法是
A. 腹腔穿刺 B. 用金属探子试探 C. 耻骨上膀胱穿刺 D. 膀胱造影 E. 导尿并做注水试验 我来回答: 提交