Until men invented ways of staying
underwater for more than a few minutes, the wonders of the world below the
surface of the sea were almost unknown. The main problem, of course, lies in
air. How could air be provided to swimmers below the surface of the sea
Pictures made about 2,900 years ago in Asia show men swimming under the surface
with air bags tied to their bodies. A pipe from the bag carried air into the
swimmer’s mouth. But little progress was achieved in the invention of diving
devices until about 1490, when the famous Italian painter, Leonardo da Vinci,
designed a complete diving suit. In 1680, an Italian professor invented a large air bag with a glass window to be worn over the diver’s head. To "clean" the air a breathing pipe went from the air bag, through another bag to remove moisture, and then again to the la A. too great a supply of air could result in a sudden rise to the surface. B. a sudden dive into deep water could cause the crushing of the body. C. the air pipe attached to a machine could be above the surface. D. both A and B. [简答题]简述儿童文学的美学特质。
A.将意识与物质相割裂的二元论 B.认为意识具有第一性的唯心主义 C.承认意识能动作用的辩证唯物主义 D.认为环境决定人的机械唯物主义 [判断题]2.138.
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A.出席董事会的无关联关系董事人数不足3人的,应当将该事项交付董事长裁决 B.上市公司应当公开其财务状况、经营情况及重大诉讼 C.上市公司设董事会秘书,负责办理信息披露事务等事宜 D.上市公司是否设立独立董事,由股东大会决定 E.上市公司董事与董事会会议决议事项所涉及的企业有关联关系的,不得对该项决议行使表决权 [单项选择]间变性大淋巴细胞瘤的特异性标志为
A. LCA B. CD56 C. GAA D. BLA E. ALK [简答题]铁路信号工程验收的内容包含哪些? 285/569
A. 根状茎 B. 块茎 C. 球茎 D. 鳞茎 [单选题]计算到发线容车数,按有效长度减去( )长度和30m附加制动距离,除以车辆换算长度11m而求得。
A.机车 B.车辆 C.40m D.50m [判断题]所有配电装置的适当地点,均应设有与接地网相连的接地端,接地电阻应合格。
A.正确 B.错误 [多项选择]各级生产技术部门应按照三级评价要求,按时组织开展设备状态评价,积极发挥各级状态评价指导中心的作用,确保工作质量。其中“三级评价”不包括哪些级别?()
A. 基层班组 B. 生产工区 C. 省公司 D. 国网公司 E. 国网公司设备评价中心 [单选题]钢轨探伤中与钢轨纵向呈一定偏角的探头是( )。
A.0°探头 B.37°探头 C.70°探头 D.45°探头 [判断题]网银交易流水可以查询客户在网上银行、柜台办理业务的交易流水。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]胰腺主胰管直径
A. 1mm B. 2.0mm C. 3.5mm D. 4.0mm E. 5.0mm 我来回答: 提交