When travelers lack an awareness of
(51) time is regulated in a foreign country, they can expect
to feel somewhat disoriented. Since most people (52) time
for granted, the effects of values, customs, and social etiquette on the use of
time are seldom examined. A culture that values achievement and progress will
discourage people (53) "wasting" time. Highly efficient
business people from these cultures may feel frustrated in a country
(54) work proceeds at a slow pace. In religious
societies, customs specify times of the day, week, or year for prayer and
religious celebrations. If an individual tries to (55) an
appointment during a sacred holiday, he or she could unknowingly offend a [单选题]通过阻断H2受体减少胃酸分泌是
A.苯海拉明 B.碳酸钙 C.贝那替秦 D.雷尼替丁 E.异丙托溴铵 [多项选择]互联网上网服务营业场所的安全管理应该包括以下()层次的管理。
A. 政府职能部门应依法对互联网上网服务营业场所行使有效的监督、检查和管理 B. 上网消费者必须严格遵守国家的有关法律、法规的规定,文明上网 C. 建立广泛的社会监督机制及长效管理体制 [多选题]现场勘察应查看检修(施工)作业需要停电的范围、保留的带电部位、装设接地线的位置、()、多电源、自备电源、地下管线设施和作业现场的条件、环境及其他影响作业的危险点,并提出针对性的安全措施和注意事项。
A.平行线路 B.邻近线路 C.交叉跨越 D.用户配变 [多项选择]零售商业物业运作的相关理论主要集中在( )。
A. 中心地理论 B. 同类零售商聚集理论 C. 客户关系管理理论 D. 需求外部效应理论 E. 物业管理周期理论 [简答题]造成机车车辆伤害的主要因素有哪些?
---线路上作业不设防护、作业防护不到位、作业环境不良、违章 指挥等管理因素造成的伤害。 第四章 预防机动车车辆伤害 [多项选择]甲醇回收塔塔釜温度低,排除仪表问题后,正确的调整方法有()。
A. 增加塔底热源量 B. 增加回流量 C. 提高回流液温度 D. 降低回流量 [填空题]
Dear Mr. Christ Thank you for your e-mail____1____March 9. Much to our disappointment, we heard that the price ____2____ by us for Chinese Longjing green tea is ____3____ high for you to accept. Admittedly, green tea of Indian or Sri Lankan origin is being offered at a price approximately 10% lower than ____4____of ours, but every one in the trade knows that ours is much better in terms of flavour and colour. Although we would welcome the opportunity to do business ____5____ you, we regret that we cannot accept your counter-offer, or even meet you ____6____. The best we can do in the present ____7____ is to reduce our original offer of March 8 by 2%. We trust that this concession on our part will meet ____8____ your approval. We look forward to____9____ from you soon. Truly ____10____. Dannon Lee General Manager Tea Sales Dept. 9() [单项选择]When Mom and Dad Grow Old
The prospect of talking to increasingly fragile parents about their future can be "one of the most difficult challenges adult children will ever face," says Clarissa Green, a Vancouver therapist. "People often tell me they don’t want to raise sensitive issues with their parents about bringing in caregivers or moving," she says. "They’ll say, ’I don’t want to see dad cry.’" But Green usually responds, "What’s wrong with that " Adult children, she says, need to try to join their parents in grieving their decline, acknowledge their living arrangements may no longer work and, if necessary, help them say goodbye to their beloved home. "It’s sad. And it’s supposed to be. It’s about death itself." There are almost four million men and women over age 65 in Canad
A. 0.1mm; B. 0.1cm; C. 0.2mm; D. 0.2cm。 [单项选择]机械化堆肥处理垃圾的特点是采用二次发酵工艺。第一次发酵期为10天,第二次发酵周期为()。
A. 5天 B. 20天 C. 10天 D. 15天 [单项选择]注射剂的质量要求不包括()
A. 无菌 B. 无热原 C. 无色 D. 澄明度 [单项选择]设有下面4条路由:,,,172.12822.0/24,如果进行路由汇聚,能覆盖这4条路由的地址是______。
A. B. C. D. [判断题]只有在确认火灾具有放火嫌疑后,才能通知公安机关刑侦部门参加调查。
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题] 保密行政管理部门对保密检查中发现的非法获取、持有的国家秘密载体,不用收缴。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]配电二次系统上的检修工作前,作业人员在接触运用中的二次设备箱体前,应用测试良好的( )确认其确无电压。
A.低压验电器 B.测电笔 C.仪器 D.低压验电器或测电笔 [判断题]严禁在装有避雷针的构筑物上架设通信线、广播线或低压线。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]下列属于施工合同工程款纠纷成因的是()。
A. 不可抗力影响 B. 工程款恶意拖欠 C. 资质问题 D. 无权代理与表见代理 [单选题]水泥混凝土拌合物进行坍落度试验时,用捣棒敲击拌合物是检验混凝土拌合物的 。( )
A.流动性 B.粘聚性 C.保水性 D.密实性 [单选题] 不是高钾血症导致心跳骤停的原因是()
A.心肌兴奋性↓ B.传导性↓ C.自律性↓ D.收缩性↑ E.收缩性↓ [单选题]蛋白质在禽肉类严重腐败之后形成的物质是( )。
A.硫化氢 B.氨基酸I C.组胺物质 D.二肽 [单项选择]按照沪、深证券交易所截至2008年4月底公布的收费标准,我国基金交易佣金不得高于成交金额的(),不足5元的按5元收取。
A. 0.01 B. 0.02% C. 0.25% D. 0.1% [单选题]接触网修程分为哪两种?()
A.小修和大修 B.状态修和集中修 C.计划修和故障修 D.略 E.略 F.略 G.略 我来回答: 提交