During recent years we have heard much about "race": how this race does certain things and that race believes certain things and so on. Yet, the (21) phenomenon of race consists of a few surface indications.
We judge race usually (22) the coloring of the skin: a white race, a brown race, a yellow race and a black race. But (23) you were to remove the skin you could not (24) anything about the race to which the individual belonged. There is (25) in physical structure, the brain or the internal organs to (26) a difference.
There are four types of blood. (27) types are found in every race, and no type is distinct to any race. Human brains are the (28) . No scientists could examine a brain and tell you the race to which the individual belonged. Brains will (29) in size, but this occurs within every race. (30) does size have anything to do with intelligence. The largest brain (31) ex
A. All
B. Most
C. No
D. Some
When a group of children politely stop
a conversation with you, saying: "We have to go to work now," you’re left
feeling surprised and certainly uneasy. After all, this is the 1990s and the
idea of chil- dren working is just unthinkable. That is, until you are told that
they are all pupils of stage schools, and that the "work" they go off to is to
go on the stage in a theatre. Stage schools often act as agencies (代理机构) to supply children for stage and television work. More worthy of the name "stage school" are those few places where children attend full time, with a training for the theatre and a general education. A visit to such schools will leave you in no doubt that the children enjoy themselves. After all, what lively children wouldn’t settle for spending only half the day doing ordinary school work, and acting, singi A. He favours an early start in the training of performing arts. B. He feels uncomfortable about children putting on night shows. C. He thinks highly of what they have to offer. D. He doubts the standard of ordinary education they have reached. [多项选择]在审理期货纠纷案件中,关于人民法院对会员的保全措施说法正确的是()。
A. 可以保全与会员资格相应的会员资格费 B. 可以保全与会员资格相应的会员交易席位 C. 应当依法裁定不得转让该会员资格 D. 不得裁定停止该会员交易席位的使用 [多选题]建筑工程造价应当按照国家有关规定,由()在合同中约定。
A.监理单位 B.承包单位 C.设计单位 D.发包单位 E.建设单位 [单选题]下图中存在的风险是()。
A.护栏缺失 B.护栏过低 C.护栏过高 D.人员无防护 [多选题](类别:号段管理难度:中等)智慧信息人群筛选标签包含哪些?()
A.职住地 B.号码归属 C.籍贯 D.年龄 [单选题]一般情况下,开挖深度小于( )m的沟槽可采用横列板支护。( )
A.1 B.2 C.3 D.4 出自:《高压电缆及通道工程生产准备及验收工作审查要点》第二十二条(九) [单选题]事故应急救援的总目标是通过应急救援行动,尽可能地降低事故的危害,包括人员伤亡、财产损失和环境破坏等,应急救援工作的首要任务是( )。
A.控制危险源; B.营救受害人员; C.消除危害后果; D.查清事故原因 [单项选择]以下叙述正确的是(23)。
A. ERP 软件强调事后核算,而财务软件强调及时调整 B. 财务软件强调事后核算,而ERP 软件强调事前计划和及时调整 C. ERP 软件强调事后核算,而进销存软件比较关心每种产品的成本构成 D. 进销存软件强调事后核算,而财务软件强调及时调整 [多项选择]术后切口感染的原因是
A. 备皮不符合要求 B. 手术时组织损伤多,止血不全 C. 术后严重腹胀 D. 术前未常规使用抗生素 E. 无菌操作不严 [单选题]停电线路、设备的断开点,应有能够反映线路、设备运行状态的电气和机械等指示。无明显断开点也无电气、机械等指示时,应断开( )。
A.同级电源 B.下一级电源 C.上一级电源 D.断路器(开关) 我来回答: 提交