Success does not come easily to a small
business. The United States Small Business Administration says fifty percent of
small businesses {{U}} (1) {{/U}} in the first year and ninety-five
percent fail within five years. Many {{U}} (2) {{/U}} believe one way to {{U}} (3) {{/U}} their chance of success is to {{U}} (4) {{/U}} an already {{U}} (5) {{/U}} business {{U}} (6) {{/U}} a franchise (特许经营权). A franchise provides a name and products that people know. One of the {{U}} (7) {{/U}} franchising companies in the world, {{U}} (8) {{/U}}, is McDonald’s. A person who wants to start a {{U}} (9) {{/U}} must pay a {{U}} (10) {{/U}} . This amount of money depends on {{U}} (11) {{/U}} the franchising company {{U}} (12) {{/U}} the new business to earn. To open a McDonald’s franchise costs at least 500,000 dollars {{U}} (13) {{/U}} A. Therefore B. Additionally C. However D. Thereby [单选题]
下列哪一个是目前装机数量最大的手机操作系统( ). A.iOS B.Android C.Symbian D.BlackBerry OS [判断题]行社对计提减值准备的资产,应当落实监管责任。对能够收回或继续使用的,应当收回或使用;对已经损失的,应当按照规定的程序核销;对已经核销的,应当实行账销案存管理。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]1.47.第47题
铠装层主要是用以减少( )对电缆的影响。 A. 综合力; B.电磁力; C.机械力; D.表面张力 [多项选择]阳台按与建筑物外墙的关系,可分为()
A. 挑阳台 B. 凹阳台 C. 半凸半凹阳台 D. 转角阳台 E. 封闭阳台 [单选题]罐车上部车顶走板、防护栏等配件脱落、窜出或丢失属于( )故障范围。
A.大件修 B.小件修 C.摘车临修 D.临时整修 [判断题]客户销户、换发后的折、卡应破坏磁条,剪角或打孔作废,存折按规定随当日传票装订保管,作废卡登记后不用集中上缴销毁。()
[不定项选择题]初诊接待中的语言表达应注意( )。单选
A.语速适中 B.不用术语 C.语速缓慢 D.不可重复 [单选题]某公司2007年2月曾公开发行2亿元的公司债券,该公司2008年9月申请再次公开发行1亿元的公司债券。下列情形中,构成本次发行障碍的是( )。
A.2007年发行的公司债券延迟支付利息,仍处于继续状态 B.2007年发行的公司债券所募集的资金未产生预期效益 C.本次拟发行的公司债券距上次发行不足2年 D.发行人有巨额债务,刚刚清偿完毕 [多项选择]患者女,65岁。不慎摔倒,右髋部着地,感髋部疼痛。查体:右髋部叩击痛,活动受限,右下肢短缩,外旋50°畸形,有纵轴叩击痛。提示:若X线检查示左股骨头下型骨折。手术方式有().
A. 切开复位内固定 B. 人工股骨头置换 C. 持续骨牵引 D. 全髋关节置换 E. 加压螺钉内固定 F. 石膏固定 [多选题]社区警务是公安机关警务与社区相结合有效维护治安秩序、预防违法犯罪的有效方式。此举对于提高社区公众的生活质量产生了积极的影响。下列关于社区警务工作的说法正确的有:
A.巡逻守护是做好社区安全防范工作的有效措施,巡逻时应维护重点时段和部位的社会治安秩序,杜绝违法犯罪的发生 B.对于辖区内发生的重大案件与恶性事件,应严格控制、缩小知悉范围,最大限度减少辖区居民的恐慌情绪 C.举办法制安全教育讲座,分析当前治安状况、违法犯罪特点和手段,提高居民的法律意识和自我防范意识 D.对重点人口、监管对象和有轻微违法人员应开展监督管理和帮教工作 [单选题]手臂振动病是( )从事手持振动工具作业而引起的以手部末梢循环和手臂神经功能障碍为主的疾病,并能引起手臂骨关节骨质改变。
A.长期 B.短期 C.连续 [单选题]当拨道每次超过30mm或累计超过30mm时,须事先通知( )予以配合。
A.通信工区 B.接触网工区 C.电务工区 D.工务工区 [单项选择]成年男性,三月来双下肢无力、双下肢麻木逐渐发展到腰部,背后疼痛且咳嗽时加剧。查体左半侧Ts下痛温觉消失;右下肢肌力Ⅲ度,腱反射亢进,Babinski征阳性,右下肢足趾振动觉、位置觉消失。(以下3题共用题干)该脊髓损害为( )。
A. 脊髓半切综合征 B. 脊髓横贯性损害 C. 脊髓后角损害 D. 脊神经根损害 E. 脊髓后索和侧索联合损害 [判断题]无载分接开关只能在断电情况下调压。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择] Effects of Exercise on Elderly Diabetics (糖尿病人)
Most older people with. so-called type 2 diabetes (糖尿病) could stop taking insulin (胰岛素) if they would do brisk (轻快的) exercise for 30 minutes just three times a week, according to new medical research results reported in a Copenhagen newspaper. Results from tests conducted on diabetics at the Copenhagen central hospital Rigshospitalet’s Center for Muscle Research showed that physical exercise can boost the body’s ability to make use of insulin by 30 per cent. This is equal to the effect most elderly diabetics get from their insulin medication (药物治疗) today. Researchers had a group of non-diabetic men and a group of men with type 2 diabetes, all more than 60 years of age, exercise on bicycles six times a week for three months. After the three months the doctors measured how much sugar the test subjects’ muscles could make use of as a measure for how well their insulin worked. Associate Professor Dr Fle A. walking briskly for thirty minutes three times a week. B. cycling six times a week for three months. C. swimming twice a day. D. running once a day. [多选题]电子式多功能电能表可通过()、()、()或()等方式和外界进行数据交换。
A.专用介质 B.红外抄表口 C.RS232 D.RS485 我来回答: 提交