All cultures have some system of
measuring duration, or keeping time, but in Western industrialized societies, we
keep track of time in what seems to other peoples almost an obsessive fashion.
We view time as motion on a space, a kind of linear progression measured by the
clock and the calendar. This perception contributes to our sense of history and
the keeping of records, which are typical aspects of Western cultures. Although our perceptions of time seem natural to us, we must not assume that other cultures operate on the same time system. For instance, why should we assume that a Hopi raised in the Hopi culture would have the same intuitions about time that we have In Hopi history, if records had been written, we would find a different set of cultural and environmental influences working together. The Hopi people are a peaceful agricultural society i A. Make a hay while the sun shines. B. Procrastination is necessary. C. Punctuality is the soul of business. D. A young idler, an old beggar. [单项选择]深入实施创新驱动发展战略,必须以()为核心健全技术创新市场导向机制。
A. 政府和企业 B. 政府和市场 C. 企业和市场 D. 企业和资金 [判断题]第44题
为查明电缆走向正确与否,而开挖的样洞应与电缆线路成直角交叉。 A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]当上级领导两人以上到场时,应当向( )的领导敬礼和报告。
A.领导 B.职务最高 C.衔级高 D.年长 [判断题]用水灌注火区也是积极的灭火方法。 ( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]电度表应安装平直。电度表(中心尺寸)应装在离地面()m的位置上。
A. 0.9~1.0 B. 1.0~1.2 C. 1.2~1.4 D. 1.6~1.8 [判断题]利用V形停电作业时,接触网停电作业前,必须撤除向相邻线供电的馈线开关保护重合闸,断开相应可能向作业线路送电的所、亭开关。 (注明出处:《普速铁路接触网安全工作规则第69条》)
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]列车冲突为一般C类事故
A.正确 B.错误 [多选题]根据棘球蚴病的超声表现特征,可分为( )
A.单囊型 B.多囊型 C.囊沙型 D.混合型 E.母子囊型 [判断题]( )卸扣使用时,任何方向均可受力。
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]武装力量是国家政权的主要组成部分。
[单选题]下列选项中属于公安机关人民警察法定职责的是( )。
A.维护社会治安秩序 B.打击非法网络经营活动 C.引导文化市场秩序 D.维护市场公平竞争 [单项选择]洪古尔这个英雄人物出自哪部史诗?()
A. 《格萨尔》 B. 《江格尔》 C. 《玛纳斯》 [单选题]对脂肪消化能力最强的消化液是
A.胃液 B.胰液 C.唾液 D.胆汁 [判断题] 战争是解决阶级和阶级、民族和民族、国家与国家、政治集团和政治集团之间利益矛盾和冲突的最激烈的手段。 ( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]