Higher education has a responsibility
to provide a workforce with the design capability and high-level technical
design skills to generate growth in {{U}} (67) {{/U}} industries with the
potential to support the UK’s {{U}} (68) {{/U}} health. A Higher Ambitions report states: "Britain must rebuild its economic growth and {{U}} (69) {{/U}} in the skills and competitive strengths that will underwrite a(n) {{U}} (70) {{/U}} recovery and balanced future economy." {{U}} (71) {{/U}}, it specifically calls for "enhanced support for the Stem subjects-- {{U}} (72) {{/U}} in the sciences, technology, engineering and mathematics--and other skills that underwrite this country’s competitive {{U}} (73) {{/U}}". The exclusion of design subjects from Stem {{U}} (74) {{/U}} the common nature of these subjects,{{U}} (75) {{/U}} science in t A. available B. suitable C. sustainable D. immediate [单项选择]关于湿疹的全身治疗,正确的是
A. 抗组胺类 B. 镇静剂 C. 上述两药交替使用 D. 急性期短期使用糖皮质激素 E. 亚急性期大剂量糖皮质激素 [多项选择]Which three options are valid WAN connectivity methods?()
A. PPP B. WAP C. HDLC D. MPLS E. L2TPv3 F. ATM [判断题]1 加拿大被称为“坐在矿车上的国家”。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [填空题]轧道车应按照列车运行图的要求进行( )作业,须( ),沿途加强瞭望不停站限速( )km/h运行。
[单选题] 列车按运输性质分为旅客列车、特快货物班列、( )、货物列车、路用列车。
A.快运货物班列 B.直达列车 C.超限列车 D.军用列车 [单选题]高处作业时,较大的工具应用绳栓在牢固的构件上,工件、边角余料应放置在牢靠的地方或用铁丝扣牢并有防止坠落的措施,不准随便乱放,以防止从高空坠落发生事故。
A.正确 B.错误 C.略 D.略 E.略 F.略 [多项选择]通风与空调系统联合试运转及调试前的准备工作包括()。
A. 系统调试方案已报送设计工程师审核批准 B. 系统调试所用测试仪器仪表在其检定有效期内 C. 现场通风、空调房间及机房,围护结构齐全、清洁干净,达到质量验收标准 D. 其他专业配套的施工项目已完成,检查测试完毕 E. 各相关设备检查完毕未进行单机试运转 [不定项选择题]在韦氏智力测验中,各分测验粗分转换的标准分数是()。单选
A.标准九分 B.标准十分 C.标准二十分 D.离差智商 [单项选择]Unpopular Subjects
Is there a place in today’s society for the study of useless subjects in our universities Just over 100 years ago Fitzgerald argued in a well-written letter _____ 51)Nature that“Universities must be allowed to study useless subjects-_____ (52)they don’t,who will ,,He went 0n to use the _____ (53)of Maxwell’s electrodynamics_(电动力学)as one case where a“useless subject” has been transformed to a useful subject.
Nowadays this argument is again very much _____ (54)in many universities.Indeed one suspects that it is one of those arguments that must be _____ (55)anew(重新)by each generation.But now there is an added twist ~)--subjects must not only be useful,they must also be _____ (56)enough that students will flock(蜂拥)to d0 them,and even flock to pay to do them.
As universities become commercial operations,the pressure to_____ (57)subjects or departments that are less popular will become stronger and stronger, Perhaps this is most strongly _____ (58)at the momen
A. recommended B. opposed C. suspected D. felt [单项选择]夏季,某养鸡场雏鸡下痢,呼吸困难,口流鲜血,鸡冠和肉垂苍白;剖检见有全身性出血,内脏器官肿大,胸肌、腿肌和心包等处有针尖至粟粒大小的白色结节。该病可能是()
A. 新城疫 B. 球虫病 C. 盲肠肝炎 D. 住白细胞虫病 E. 传染性法氏囊病 [单项选择]输尿管梗阻最常见的原因是
A. 结石 B. 炎症 C. 结核 D. 肿瘤 E. 腹膜后纤维化 [判断题]冻害是果蔬组织冰点以上的不适宜低温(0-15)对产品造成的伤
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]在一定温度下,金属导体电阻的大小与导体长度成反比,与横截面积成正比,还与导体的材料有关。(中)( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]有毒气体检测仪的探头(氧气探头除外)应当至少( )更换一次
A.每半年 B.每年 C.每两年 D.每五年 [判断题]踏面任一点磨耗不低于770mm刻度线。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]杆塔分解组立时,提升抱杆时应逐节提升,禁止提升()。
A.过慢 B.过快 C.过低 D.过高 [单选题]( )的婚礼仪式隆重,分别在女方家和男方家各举行一次,并在家庭中
盛行“男主外、女主内”风俗。 A.朝鲜族 B.土家族 C.满族 D.回族 [判断题]858/1137 电动势的大小等于外力克服电场力把单位正电荷在电源内部从负极移到正极所做的功。
A.正确 B.错误 我来回答: 提交