Amy Johnson was a pioneer airwoman in
Britain. She was born on July 1, 1903, in Yorkshire and lived there until 1923
when she went to Sheffield University to study for a BA. After graduation she
took a job as a secretary to a London lawyer. At the same time she became
interested in aviation, and to succeed in some project which would prove to the
world that women could be as competent as men in a male-dominated field in those
days. Early in 1930, she chose her objective: to fly solo to Australia and to break the previous record of 16 days. Her parents and some of her friends lent her money to buy a used airplane. Amy set off on May 5, 1930. Her route took her over Vienna and Baghdad. She was caught in a sandstorm and had to make an emergency landing in the desert. Six days later she landed in India. After experiencing much hardship, she finally reach A. Amy Johnson’s life story as a female flyer. B. Amy Johnson’s great contribution to aviation. C. Amy Johnson’s determination to be a pilot. D. Amy Johnson’s flight to Australia. [判断题]ATP车载设备可以通过DMI向司机显示允许速度。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]天然气温度检测就地指示一般采用()。
A.铂电阻温度计 B.铜电阻温度计 C.双金属温度计 D.水银温度计 [单选题]《管规》规定,进入站台车辆应技术状态良好并限速( )行驶。
A.5km/小时 B.10km/小时 C.15km/小时 D.20km/小时 [单项选择]对具有常规现金流量的投资方案,其财务净现值是关于折现率的( )函数。
A. 递减 B. 递增 C. 先递减后递增 D. 先递增后递减 [多选题]按照我国企业会计准则规定,长期应付款不包括( )。
A.应付职工薪酬 B.产品质量担保债务 C.应付票据 D.融资租入固定资产应付款 [单项选择]固有免疫细胞不具备的应答特点是()
A. 直接识别病原体PAMP B. 识别结合相应配体后,立即产生免疫应答 C. 经克隆扩增和分化后,迅速产生免疫效应 D. 没有免疫记忆功能,不能引起再次应答 E. 免疫应答维持时间较短 [判断题]电弧产生并维持燃烧的重要条件是必须使两个电极间的气体变成导电体。()
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]“乘客签名”栏由乘客填写。若乘客拒绝签名的,应由()备注情况,注明“乘客拒绝签名”字样。
A.A.站长 B.B.客值 C.C.售票员 D.D.当班值班站长 [多选题]下面关于“电网建设工程项目安全管理目标”内容叙述正确的是:( )
A.不发生六级及以上人身事件 B.不发生因工程建设引起的六级及以上电网及设备事件 C.不发生六级及以上施工机械设备事件 D.不发生火灾事故 [单项选择] Part A Directions: Read the following four texts. Answer the questions below each text by choosing A, B, C or D. Text 1