The American Family{{/B}} In the American family the husband and wife usually share important decision making. When the children are{{U}} (51) {{/U}}enough, they take part as well. Foreigners are often surprised by the permissiveness (宽容) of American parents. The old rule that "children should be seen and not heard" is rarely{{U}} (52) {{/U}}, and children are often allowed to do{{U}} (53) {{/U}}they wish without strict control of their parents. The father seldom expects his children to listen to him{{U}} (54) {{/U}}question, and children are encouraged to be{{U}} (55) {{/U}}at an early age. Some people believe that American parents carry this freedom{{U}} (56) {{/U}}far. Others think that a strong father image would not{{U} A. events B. problems C. matters D. affairs [单选题]通过当时麦田害虫发育进度的调查,当百分率达到始盛期、高峰期或盛末期指标时,分别加上当时气温下的虫态历期,可推算下一个虫态的发生期称为( )预测法。
A.历期 B.物候 C.有效积温 D.回归分析 [多选题]下列属于重大火灾隐患卷资料的有( )
A.重大火灾隐患整改通知书及审批表 B.重大火灾隐患现场照片 C.重大火灾隐患销案申请 D.政府督办的有关资料 [单选题]邻近10 kV带电线路工作时,人体、导线、施工机具等与带电线路的距离应满足( )m要求。
A.1.0 B.0.7 C.0.4 D.0.9 [单选题]不可用于洗涤量器、玻璃砂芯滤器的洗液是()
A.A、氢氧化钠-乙醇 B.B、纯酸洗液 C.C、硝酸-氢氟酸洗液 D.D、铬酸洗液 [单选题]露天矿采场最终边坡采剥作业必须按设计进行,____严禁超挖。( )
A.A.平盘 B.B.台阶 C.C.坡顶线 D.D.坡底线 [判断题]发车站开放虚拟出站信号机时,要首先确认对方站没有向该区间发车,并切断对方站发车权后,虚拟出站信号机才能开放。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]防止噪声危害最根本的措施是()
A. 制定合理的噪声卫生标准 B. 控制噪声传播和反射 C. 控制和消除噪声源 D. 使用有效的个人防护用品 E. 厂区厂房的合理规划 [单项选择]最有可能的诊断是
A. 基底节出血 B. 基底节出血,颞叶钩回疝 C. 基底节梗塞,颞叶钩回疝 D. 基底节出血,枕骨大孔疝 E. 基底节梗塞,枕骨大孔疝 [多选题]下列关于脏数据的说法中,正确的是( )
A.格式不规范 B.编码不统一 C.意义不明确 D.数据不完整 [单选题]使用伸缩式验电器时应保证绝缘的()。
A.长度 B.有效 C.有效长度 D.良好 E.略 F.略 [单项选择]
Migration is usually defined as "permanent or semi-permanent change of residence". However, our concern is with movement between nations, not with internal migration within nations, although such movements often exceed international movements in volume. Today, the motives of people who move short distances are very similar to those of international migrants. [单项选择]浮紧脉的主病为
A. 风痹疼痛 B. 风邪伤卫 C. 风热袭表 D. 风痰阻络 E. 脾肾阳虚,阴寒凝滞 [多项选择]下列情况需要全面清查的有( )。
A. 企业股份制改制前 B. 企业合并前 C. 出纳人员调离前 D. 公司总经理调离前 [单选题]CRH380B型动车组四级检修周期: 或6年。
A.4000+400km B.120±10万km C.240±10万km D.480±10万km 我来回答: 提交