Courtesy also includes proper behavior
on the street. Proper street behavior requires a nice {{U}} 62 {{/U}} of
attention and inattention. You are supposed to look at a {{U}} 63 {{/U}}
just enough to show that you’re {{U}} 64 {{/U}} of his presence. If you
look too little, you appear haughty or furtive, too much and you’re {{U}} 65
{{/U}} Usually what happens is that people eye each other {{U}} 66
{{/U}} they are about eight feet apart, at which point both cast {{U}} 67
{{/U}} their eyes. Sociologist Goffman {{U}} 68 {{/U}} this as "a
kind of dimming of lights." Much of eye behavior is so subtle that we react to it only on the {{U}} 69 {{/U}} level. The next time you have a conversation with someone who makes you feel liked, notice what he does with his eyes. {{U}} 70 {{/U}} are he looks at you more often than is usual with glance A. observer B. psychologist C. interviewer D. audience [单选题]侦察小组不少于( )人,由指挥员带领,严禁单独行动,情况复杂现场必须有单位知情人引导,灾情侦察应贯穿于作战行动全过程,并应认真仔细,及时全面掌握相关情况,正确研判潜在险情。
A.5 B.4 C.3 D.2 [判断题]只要能够确保贷款能够到期归还,为解决资金临时周转,可临时办理一笔顶名贷款。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]因事故死亡、重伤人数( )内发生变化,导致事故等级变化的,相应改变事故等级。事故报告后,人员伤亡、脱轨辆数、设备损坏等情况发生变化时,应及时补报。
A. 2日 B.3日 C.5日 D. 7日 [判断题]( ) 因特殊情况需在警冲标外方进行装卸作业时,须经调车领导人准许,在不影响列车到发及调车作业的情况下方可进行。
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]处理违犯党纪的党组织和党员,应当严格惩戒。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]三相三线制接线的电能计量装置,其两台电流互感器与电能表之间的接线应采用( )连接。
A.三线 B.四线 C.五线 D.六线 [判断题]施工地段放行列车时,轨道静态几何尺寸偏差不得超过经常保养容许偏差管理值。
A.正确 B.错误 我来回答: 提交