Why does cream go bad faster than butter
Some researchers think they have the answer, and it comes down to the
structure of the food, not its chemical composition--a finding that could help
rid some processed foods of chemical preservatives. Cream and butter contain pretty much the same substances, so why cream should sour much faster has been a mystery. Both are emulsions--tiny globules(小球体)of one liquid evenly distributed throughout another. The difference lies in what’s in the globules and what’s in the surrounding liquid, says Brocklehurst, who led the investigation. In cream, fatty globules drift about in a sea of water. In butter, globules of a watery solution are locked away in a sea of fat. The bacteria which make the food go bad prefer to live in the watery regions of the mixture. "This means that in cream, the b A. tiny globules B. watery regions C. bacteria communities D. little compartments [判断题] 透光观察2015年版第五套人民币100元纸币上应用的光变镂空开窗安全线时,可见安全线中正反交替排列的镂空文字RMB。()
A.正确 B.错误 [不定项选择题]儿童多动综合征是小学生中最为常见的一种以注意缺陷和活动过度为主要特征的行为障碍综合征。高峰发病年龄为()岁。
A.4~6 B.5~7 C.6~8 D.7~9 E.8~10 [判断题]纸质商业汇票发出托收,付款行拒绝付款且申请人在贴现到期时不能归还的汇票款项,经有关部门批准后,由操作员办理贴现转逾期。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]中断供电将造成大型影剧院、大型商场等较多人员集中的重要公共场所秩序混乱者,应为( )。
A. 一级负荷中特别重要负荷 B. 一级负荷 C. 二级负荷 D. 三级负荷 [单选题]每操作一项,由()在操作的项目后做记号,然后方可进行下一步操作.操作中发生疑问时,不得擅自更改操作票,弄淸情况,分析清楚后,再进行操作.
A.工作负责人 B.工作签发人 C.工作许可人 D.监护人 [单选题]《危险化学品安全管理条例》 规定,国家实行危险化学品 ( ) 制度,为危险化学品安全管理以及危险化学品事故预防和应急救援提供技术、信息支持。
A.登记 B.注册 C.备案 D.记录 [单选题]作业人员考试两项均不合格或者补考仍不合格者,应当()考试。
A.重新复习参加 B.重新申请 C.三个月内不得重新申请 [单项选择]There are two kinds of division of labor: that based on age and that based on sex.
Division of labor by age results in the obvious biological fact that human beings 62 three major periods of development. In childhood, the human is in large part dependent upon adults for food, shelter, and other 63 ; he has neither the strength nor the skills to 64 for himself. Children, in most societies, have only light tasks as helpers 65 adults or none at all, and when duties are 66 , these are often regarded as educational, to prepare the child for his adult 67 . Adulthood is ordinarily the period of greatest vigor and ability. The adult man or woman 68 on full responsibility for the duties of his/her sex and special occupation. In many societies, in particular those 69 the technology requires physical strength and stamina, the adult in the prime of life 70 a dominant role and is often A. assigned B. allotted C. appointed D. allocated [多项选择]在房地产经纪信息的利用中,通过信息发布影响消费者应该注意以下几个方面()。
A. 尽快传递 B. 广泛传播 C. 完整准确 D. 丰富翔实 E. 即时更新 [判断题]硫酸钠分子式为NaSO4。()
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]船舶国籍证书的有效期为()年。
A. 3 B. 5 C. 10 [简答题]
下面是关于某测试设备的叙述,仔细阅读并分析,回答问题1至问题4,将答案填入对应栏内。 [单选题]大型临时设施总面积超过( ),应备有消防专用的消防桶、消防锹、消防钩、盛水桶(池)、消防砂箱等器材设施。
A.500㎡ B.800㎡ C.1000㎡ D.1200㎡ [单选题]二氯乙烷的外观形状( )。
A. 无色或浅黄色透明液体,有类似氯仿的气味。 B.无色或浅黄色透明液体,有强烈气味。 C.无色透明的易挥发液体,有刺激性气味。 D.无色透明液体,有类似苯的芳香气味。 [单项选择]-- Docteur, j’ai mal à la tête, je crois que j’ai la grippe. Je tousse, j’ai mal à la gorge.
--Oui, 39,2°C.
--Je vais vous examiner. Déshabillez-vous, s’il vous plat.
A. Vous avez de la fièvre B. Vous avez la température C. Quelle est la température D. La fièvre, c’est comment [判断题]互感器或电能表误差超出允许范围时,以"0"误差为基准,按验证后的误差值退补电量。退补时间从上次校验或换装后投入之日起至误差更正之日止的二分之一时间计算
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A. 铁棒 B.钢丝 C.铲子 D.干燥的木棒 [判断题]班组长负责定期对班组区域班组的的物资进行检查和申报核查,也是物资管理的第二责任人。
A.正确 B.错误 [简答题]关于ATS的设备维护中,主要影响因素及控制关键点有哪些?
A. 粘附 B. 有机物分解和有机物合成 C. 吸附 D. 有机物分解 我来回答: 提交