There are several advantages in making
computers as small as one can. Sometimes weight is particularly important. A
modern aircraft, for example, carries quite a load of electronic apparatus. If
it is possible to make any of these smaller, and therefore lighter, the aircraft
can carry a bigger pay-load. This kind of consideration applies to space
satellites and to all kinds of computers that have to be carried
about. But weight is not the only factor. The smaller the computer the faster it can work. The signals go to and fro at a very high but almost constant speed. So if one can scale down all dimensions to, let us say, one tenth, the average lengths of the current-paths will be reduced to one tenth. So, very roughly speaking, scaling down of all linear dimensions in the ratio of one to ten also gives a valuable bonus: the speed of A. Continuous computer calculations are required for the automatic blind landing of an aircraft. B. Military applications of computers require their very fast response ability. C. Scaling down of all dimensions of a computer may result in faults developing. D. The development to integrated circuits contributes a lot to the miniaturization of computers. [简答题]硬膜下血肿的概念是什么?
A.《论十大关系》的发表 B.中共八大召开及其重要决策 C.《关于正确处理人民内部矛盾的问题》的发表 D.“大跃进”的发动 [单选题]电动机在额定作状态下运行时,( )的机械功率叫额定功率。
A.. 允许输入 B. 允许输出 C. 推动电机 [单项选择]急性阑尾炎的症状为()
A. 中上腹束带样疼痛 B. 突然上腹刀割样痛,板状腹,下腹有压痛 C. 转移性右下腹痛伴恶心,右下腹有压痛 D. 突发右上腹痛,恶心,发热,右上腹有压痛、肌紧张 E. 中上腹钻顶样疼痛 [简答题]简述灌溉渠系规划布置的原则。
一患者急性发病,四肢对称性下运动神经元性瘫痪,无二便障碍。病后15天的脑脊液检查结果如下:外观无色透明,压力160mmH2O,压颈(Queckenstedt)试验上升下降迅速,蛋白质含量O.75g/L,糖2.5MMol/L,白细胞数4×106/L,氯化物120mmol/L,未查到细菌与瘤细胞。脑脊液检查结果属于() A. 正常 B. 蛋白-细胞分离现象 C. 脊髓压迫 D. 化脓性改变 E. 中毒性改变 [简答题]企业职工基本养老保险中央调剂基金的上解额如何计算?
A.1 B.2 C.3 D.4 [单选题]角膜分为5层,最厚的是
A.角膜上皮 B.角膜基质 C.前界层 D.后界层 E.角膜内皮 [单项选择]A