Trees are useful to man in three
important ways: they provide wood and other products; they give him shade; and
they help to prevent droughts and floods. Unfortunately, in many parts of the world, man has not realized that the third of these services is the most important. In his eagerness to make money from trees, he has cut them down in large numbers, only to find that without them he has lost the best friends he had. And besides, he is usually too careless to plant and loo A. Man should look after the new trees properly. B. Man has not paid enough attention to planting trees. C. Man can’t cut too much wood. D. All of the above. [单选题]所谓塔板效率是指()与()之比。
A.实际塔板、理论塔板数 B.理论塔板、实际塔板数 C.提馏段塔板、精馏段塔板数 D.精馏段塔板、提馏段塔板数 [单项选择]适应子急进性肾炎I型()。
A. 肾移植 B. 激素冲击治疗 C. 环磷酰胺 D. 抗菌药物 E. 血液透析 [判断题]资源共享、共驻共建是社区自治的关键。
A.A.根据工作经验 B.B.根据现场运行方式 C.C.根据调控指令 D.D.参考典型操作票 [判断题]经许可连接因特网的计算机,不得存留涉密金融数据信息;存有涉密金融数据信息的介质,不得在接入因特网的计算机上使用。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]作业人员对本规程应()考试一次。
A.每半年 B.每年 C.每两年 D.每三年 E.略 F.略 [多选题]建筑施工企业的管理层次一般可分为()。
A.计划层 B.决策层 C.监督层 D.管理层 E.操作层 [单选题]单选题】 发电厂主要机组(锅炉、汽机、燃机、发电机、水轮机、水泵水轮机)停用检修,只需第一天办理开工手续,以后每天开工时,应由工作负责人检查现场,核对安全措施。检修期间工作票始终由( )保存在工作地点。
A. 工作票签发人 B. 工作票许可人 C. 工作监护人 D. 工作负责人 [单选题]急性感染性多发性神经根神经炎脑脊液的典型表现是( )。
A.蛋白高,细胞数正常 B.蛋白正常,细胞数高 C.蛋白高,细胞数低 D.蛋白及细胞数均高 E.蛋白低,细胞数增高 [填空题]电气工作人员电业安规应( ) 考试一次,因故间断电气工作连续( )者,必须重新学习本规程,并( )合格后,方能恢复工作。
[单项选择] Man and Nature
The balance of nature is a delicate system of checks and counter-checks. Nature has its own way of checking the life and distribution of the different organisms and helping their growth. An epidemic may be considered nature’’ s way of checking population growth. Man in his attempt to conquer nature and to utilize it to his advantage has interfered with the balance of nature, thereby creating problems of a complex nature. Nature’’ s ways of maintaining the balance are intricate and not easily understood and man’’ s application of his scientific knowledge and techniques has upset this balance so much that today, being aware of the disastrous consequences, he takes measures against them.
No animal or plant can live in isolation ,for different organisms are parts of a vast dynamic complex of living things. As no man or community is self-sufficient, no organism can live by itself. When man interferes with the interdependence and interrelat
A. Y B. N C. NG [单项选择]盐酸麻黄碱鉴别试验所采用的试剂是().
A. 氢氧化钠和硫酸铜 B. 溴水和氨试液 C. 发烟硝酸和醇制氢氧化钾 D. 甲醛-硫酸试液 E. 重铬酸钾 [单项选择]情绪兴奋性低,反应速度慢而不灵活,具有刻板性,敏感细腻,脆弱多疑,孤僻寡欢,对事物反应较强,情感体验深刻,但很少外露的气质类型属于()
A. 胆汁质 B. 多血质 C. 粘液质 D. 抑郁质 [单选题] 《铁路旅客运输规程》规定,发生线路中断旅客要求退票时,( )费用不予退还。
A.后补车票 B.因违章加收部分和已使用至到站的车票 C.后补车票和已使用至到站的车票 D.因违章加收部分和卧铺票 [单选题]在internet的基本服务功能中,远程登录所使用的命令是( )
A.telnet B.ftp C.mail [单选题]用计算机进行资料检索工作,是属于计算机应用中的______。
A. 科学计算 B. 数据处理 C. 实时控制 D. 人工智能 [单选题]锻造钩尾框横裂纹时更换;铸造钩尾框横裂纹长度不大于( )时焊修,大于时更换。
A.30mm B.35mm C.40mm D.50mm [单项选择]在下列有关报关企业的表述中,( )不属于报关企业的范围。
A. 报关企业是具有境内法人地位的经济实体 B. 报关企业属于有限责任公司 C. 报关企业具有报关权 D. 报关企业可以代理任何企业的委托报关 [填空题]
{{B}}The Price of
1.Electrical devices such as CD players, vidoes and burglar alarms are consuming more energy in standby mode than when they are actually being used. 2.Maria Sanchez and her colleagues from the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory in Berkeley, California, tested more than 50 small electrical applicances, from computers to doorbells, electric mowers, VCRs, and pool pumps. In the current issue of Energy Policy, they report that about half of all consumer electronics energy is used in standby mode. This costs American consumers $1 billion a year in wasted energy. 3.The researchers say that while electronic devices are lying dormant(休眠状态),running their clocks, maintaining internal memories or displaying their settings, they consume aroud 40 terawatt hours of electricity [单项选择]在下列各项中,不属于病人道德义务的是
A. 尊重医务人员的劳动 B. 支付医疗费用 C. 不能对医生的诊断提出质疑 D. 支持医学科研 E. 配合医学生实习 我来回答: 提交