Some people describe American society
as a salad bowl while others see it as a melting pot. In a sense, both are
correct depending upon one’s point of view. In a bowl of freshly tossed salad,
all the ingredients are mixed together. Yet they never lose their shape, form or
identity. Together, however, the ingredients make up a unity. In a sense, all
the ingredients of a salad contribute to the finished product. They may be
covered with the same dressing, but the green vegetables, tomatoes, lettuce and
eggs can all be seen for what they are. From this point of view, America is very much like a salad bowl where individual ethnic groups blend together, yet maintain their cultural uniqueness. They may work together during the day at similar jobs and in identical companies, but at night they may return to their ethnic communit A. The stew has more ingredients. B. The stew need more time to be prepared. C. The stew has meat in it. D. The flavor of the stew is a mixture of all its ingredients. [单选题]动火分析与动火作业间隔一般不超过()。
A.30min B.45min C.60min D.无限制 [判断题]DB51/T 929-2012标准规定了在用汽车天然气汽车专用装置检验的术语和定义、要求、检验方法、判定规则。
A.正确 B.错误 [多选题]严格按照规范开展现场勘察,应查看检修(施工)作业需要().().().邻近线路.交叉跨越.多电源.自备电源.地下管线设施和作业现场的条件.环境及其他影响作业的危险点,并有效评估作业时间,统筹工作安排,合理编制作业计划。
A.停电的范围 B.保留的带电部位 C.装设接地线的位置 D.线路连接情况 E.线变关系 [单选题] 最简单的串行接口需要()根信号线。
A. 9 B. 3 C. 27 D. 32 [单选题]一个外地品牌为进入本地市场进行广告宣传效果的调查。结果显示,在用电视广告宣传时,当地每百人有15人知晓,而后选用报纸广告,每百人有26人表示对其有印象。据此,为提高该品牌的知晓率,该公司决定全部广告资金投入报纸广告。以下如果为真,最能削弱该公司决定的是
A.电视是当地人获取信息的最主要途径 B.报纸广告容易给观众留下产品过于廉价的负面印象 C.若不采取报纸广告而继续采用电视广告宣传,相同时间后,每百人有45人知晓该品牌 D.通过电视知晓该品牌的人中,八成有购买意愿,而通过报纸广告知晓者,仅两成有此意愿 [填空题]
Inventors and their Inventions New inventions are
appearing every day to make our lives easier, longer, warmer, speedier and so
on. But only a few inventors design a new machine or product that be comes so
well-known that the invention, named after its creator, becomes a household
word. Here are four famous inventors and the invention that are named after
them:1. John Bowler, a London hatter who designed the hard round hat known
as the bowler in about 1850. It has become the symbol of a respectable British
man.2. Louis Braille (1809—1952), born in France. He was blind as a child.
In 1924 he developed his own alphabet patterns known as Braille by which the
blind could read by touch.3. Rudolf Diesel (1858—1913), a German engineer
who invented the diesel engine in 1897 and so began a transport revolution in
cars, lorries and trains.4. Charles Rolls, a car salesman who with the
engineer Henry Royce created the world famous Rolls-Royce car.
Inventors and their InventionsOur lives are made
easier, longer, warmer and speedier by (46) . A few
inventions were named after their inventors. Here are some:inventors
description inventionsJohn Bowler The (47) hat
bowlerLouis Braille His own (48) BrailleRudolf Diesel
An engine that began a transport revolution (49) Charles
Rolls The world-famous car (50) car
[多选题]超出消缺周期仍未消除的设备( )缺陷和( )缺陷,即为安全隐患。
A.一般 B.严重 C.危急 D.重大 [单选题]山西焦煤党委书记.董事长赵建泽在2020年下半年工作会上指出“高品质生活”主要特征是( )
A.员工收入高 职业道路宽 B.生活品质高 职业道路宽 C.福利待遇好 职业道路宽 D.员工收入高 升职道路宽 [判断题]创伤急救时,外部出血立即采取止血措施,防止失血过多而休克。
A.正确 B.错误 我来回答: 提交