Even with the best will in the world, reducing our carbon emissions is not going to prevent global warming. It has become clear that even if we take the most strong measures to control emissions, the uncertainties (不确定) in our climate models still leave open the possibility of extreme warming and rises in sea level. At the same time, resistance by governments and special interest groups makes it quite possible that the actions suggested by climate scientists might not be implemented (执行) soon enough.
Fortunately, if the worst comes to the worst, scientists still have a few tricks up their sleeves. For the most part they have strongly resisted discussing these options for fear of inviting a sense of complacency that might thwart efforts to tackle the root of the problem. Until now, that is. A growing number of researchers are taking a fresh look at large-scale "geoengineering" projec
A. strong measures have been taken by the government to prevent global warming.
B. to reduce carbon emissions is all impossible mission.
C. despite the difficulty, scientists have some options to prevent global warming.
D. actions suggested by scientists will never be realized.
(一)阅读以下文字,完成下面问题。 世界环境与发展委员会提出一个观念:主流的社会文化范式认为人类的文化造成今天这样的环境变迁——环境危机、生态冲突等问题,这跟西方式的社会文化理念有密切关联;这种西方所主导的观念,不仅在西方社会发展,而且慢慢地传染到全世界。这种文化理念至少有三个特点:强调竞争与征服;漠视和谐,不仅漠视与自然的和谐,还漠视与其他社会、其他文化的和谐;无限制地利用物质,认为资源永远无限,这是最大的错误。工业革命只是这些观念比较特别的发展,而这些观念是来自最早期的西方文化理念——两河流域下游的苏末文化。 著名考古学家张光直教授说:“中国与西方两大文明从肇始已基本为不同的原则所支配。”所谓不同的原则,就是不同的基本文化理念,即连续性的宇宙观和断裂性的宇宙观。他还说:“中国文明社会的产生,不是生产技术革命的结果,也不是商业贸易的起飞,而是逐渐通过政治程序所造成的财富极度集中的结果。”他认为,中国文化从新石器时代进入金属时代的过程中,就表现了一种特别的文化理念,叫做“延续”或“连续”;以苏末文化为代表的西方文化的老祖,从新石器时代进入金属器时代开始,其基本的文化理念则是一种“断裂”的理念。这两种文化现象在文明初始阶段已经形成,并延续至今。 最明显的“连续”表现在生产工具上,商朝的青铜器都是用来作为礼器、酒器和兵器,如“鼎”、“爵”和“戈”等;而商朝所用的农器是延续了新石器时代所用的石头、木头、蚌器和骨头。但苏末不同,它的青铜器最早是用来种植小麦,用青铜刀来收割成熟的麦穗。从新石器时代进入青铜器时代是一种突破,也是一种跟前面关系的断裂。西方学者常常笑话说,你们中国人好笨,有青铜器却不用来生产。我们当然知道用青铜器来生产更有效,产生更多,但多不一定好。从那个时代开始我们就希望跟自然和谐,互相尊重;不愿意用很有效的东西来破坏自然;我们认为自己跟宇宙是一体的、连续的,这一点从那时候开始就是我们整个宇宙观念的基本原则 A. 两河流域下游的苏末文化促使工业革命的产生,推进了西方文化理念的发展 B. 西方式的社会文化理念是现代社会主流的社会文化范式,它影响全世界 C. 西方文明较之中国文明,就其特点看,更多地包含着一些错误的理念 D. 西方式的社会文化理念不仅影响着西方社会,也给发展中的中国带来影响 [判断题]列车运行中刮坏行车设备设施为一般C类事故
A.正确 B.错误 [多项选择]根据物流服务企业提供的服务类型,可以把物流企业分为( )。
A. 第四方物流企业 B. 仓储服务企业 C. 提供功能性物流服务业务的物流企业 D. 提供一体化物流服务的第三方物流企业 [单项选择]下列关于孕期保健指导叙述错误的是()。
A. 妊娠期衣服应以宽松为宜 B. 妊娠中、晚期提倡淋浴 C. 散步是孕妇最好的运动方法 D. 妊娠期间严禁性生活 E. 认真做好产前检查 [判断题]国务院标准化行政主管部门、有关部门依据法定职责对安全生产强制性国家标准的实施进行监督检查。
A.正确 B.错误 [简答题]02-22 06:18:47.073 17609 17609 I
[单选题]资产负债率过高,说明( )。
A.财务风险较大 B.财务风险较小 C.盈利能力强 D.有利于用较小资金控制数额较大资金 [简答题]如何观测渗水的透明度?
[单选题]旅客列车列尾装置尾部主机的( )、风管及电源的连结与摘解,由车辆部门负责。
A.安装 B.摘接 C.安装与摘解 D.安装与摘接 [多选题]渠道经理作为辖区内渠道和营销工作的组织者,负责____、____、____、指标监督、沟通反馈、渠道维系、市场洞察等多项职责。( )
A. 日常巡店 B. 政策宣贯 C. 宣传支撑 D. 文化传播 [单项选择]Scientists say that something very serious is happening to the earth. It will begin to get __56__ in the following years. There will be major changes in ___57__ in the new century. Coastal waters will have a __58__ temperature. This will have a __59__ effect on agriculture. In northern areas, the __60__ season will be ten days longer by the year 2010. However, in warmer areas, it will be too dry. The __61__ of water could __62__ by eighty percent. This would __63__ a large decrease in agriculture production.
World temperature could __64__ two degrees centigrade by the year 2040. However, the increase could be three times as great in the Artic and Antarctic area. This could cause the __65__ sheets to melt and raise the __66__ of the oceans __67__ one to two meters. Many coastal cities would be __68__ water.
Why is this happening There is too __69__ carbon dioxide in the air. __70__ oil, gas and coal burn, they create large amounts of carbon dioxide. This carbon dioxide lets
A. degree B. level C. coast D. area 我来回答: 提交