{{B}} High Stress May Damage
Memory{{/B}} According to a report issued in May 1998, elderly people who have consistently high blood levels of cortisol don’t score as well on memory tests as their peers with lower levels of the stress hormone. What’s more, high levels of cortisol are also associated with shrinking of the hippocampus, a region of the brain that plays a key role in learning and memory. The findings suggest that even cortisol levels in the normal, "healthy" range can actually accelerate brain aging. The study results "now provide substantial evidence that long-term exposure to adrenal stress hormones may promote hippocampal aging in normal elderly humans," write Nada Porter and Philip Land- field of the University of Kentucky in Lexington in their edito A. the cortisol. B. the adrenal glands. C. the stress hormones. D. the hippocampus. [单选题]A.血液稀释疗法
A.钙拮抗剂治疗 B.溶栓治疗 C.抗凝治疗 D.抗血小板聚集治疗 E.噻氯匹定用于 [判断题]手指口述可以集中操作者的注意力,促使操作者保持高度的注意力。
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]空调系统螺杆机应检查压缩机制冷剂液位正常
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]设在警冲标内方的钢轨绝缘,除渡线外,其安装位置距距警冲标实际位置不得大于()m。
A.1 B.2 C.3 D.4 [单选题]关于钢筋混凝土单层厂房柱牛腿说法正确的是:
A.牛腿应按照悬臂梁设计 B.牛腿的截面尺寸根据斜裂缝控制条件和构造要求确定 C.牛腿设计仅考虑斜截面承载力 D.牛腿部位可允许带裂缝工作 [单选题]支撑液膜萃取的结构实际上是由二层水相中间夹一层( ) 组成的。
A.扁平膜 B.有机溶剂相膜 C.中空纤维 D.微孔膜 [单选题]诊断为RAS,骨髓中环形铁粒幼细胞应大于
A.1% B.5% C.10% D.15% E.20% [判断题]在现场施工中,若卡瓦式套管悬挂器密封失效,将试压保护环安装在套管悬挂器上部起到补救目的;也可以直接安放在卡瓦悬挂器上。
A. 甲煽动小区居民聚集在小区外的大马路上静坐要求减少 物业费,经公安机关劝阻后仍执意进行 B. 乙策划网友在某市城市广场表达同性恋合法的意愿,经公 安机关劝阻后取消策划 C. 丙煽动大学生,于某日,共同在某市城市主干道列队行进,表 达反曰情绪,经公安机关劝阻后仍继续进行 D. 丁在校园组织瑜伽静坐的体育锻炼活动,经学生会劝阻 后取消 [判断题]尊客爱货,指的是铁路职工对自身服务对象的态度和道德情感。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]双轮异向切割锯可切割以下哪些材料。
A.玻璃 B.石材 C.混凝土 D.钢材 我来回答: 提交